Serving Hohenwald, Lewis County Tennessee Since 1898


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  • Letter to the Editor: Chaplain Doug DeWitt

    Sep 9, 2021

    I had the privilege of serving in the United States Air Force from 1971-2013. I served as an enlisted medic, Squadron Commander, Mobility officer, instructor and finally as a Chaplain around the world in time of peace and in combat areas. Since our shameful withdrawal from Afghanistan, I am once again being asked the same question I have been asked for every war and hostile activity we were in except for Granada: “Are the depths of the men and women killed in Vietnam, Marine Barracks in Beirut, Libya bombing, Khobar Towers, USS Cole, Desert S...

  • Letter to the Editor: Jan Tache

    Aug 5, 2021

    I want to thank Ms. Debbie Landers for her kind response to my previous letter to the editor. I will follow through on her suggestions to attend some of the various local meetings. Being retired, I have the time. I appreciate the amount of dedication, effort and care that she gives to her work as coordinator of all the counties in her representation of the Nashville Big Back Yard consortium, as well as her representation of our local community in the Chamber of Commerce. I am completely in favor of encouraging local businesses and prosperity, a...

  • Letter to the Editor: Marsha Perkins

    Jul 22, 2021

    Just imagine “truth” matters. We all agree everyone makes mistakes, so let’s not forget The Founding Fathers. When they wrote “and all men were created equal” they left off the LY! We are created equally, by the sperm and the egg! That’s it! Other beliefs are a myth we collectively chose to follow. Marsha Perkins 110 Quail Hollow Road Summertown, Tn 38462 931-796-0410...

  • Letter to the Editor: Debbie Landers

    Jul 22, 2021

    Dear Ms Tache, Thank you for your interest in the future of our area. As the executive director of the Hohenwald-Lewis County Chamber of Commerce, I am always looking for growth opportunities for our town and county. Nashville’s Big Back Yard is a non-profit alliance of 10 counties along the Natchez Trace Parkway that was created to serve visitors and bring much needed opportunity to our region. Potential support for NBBY was discussed in open meetings and gained unanimous approval of the Lewis County Commission and the Board of Directors of t...

  • Letter to the Editor

    Jul 15, 2021

    Thank you for the article on the marketing of our area and the promotion of tourism by Nashville’s Big Back Yard and the South Central Tennessee Tourism Association. I have some questions: What specifically are their plans? What specifically are their goals? And specifically how do they plan to implement the goals? Most importantly, how and when will their goals and plans be examined and debated by our community? I would like to suggest an open meeting in our town with all the entities involved: with Aubrey Preston and his investors in N...

  • Letter to the Editor: Lewis County Democrats

    Jun 17, 2021

    Lewis County has an active Democratic Party, and we would like to take this time to explain what we believe. We believe that all men and women are created equal. We support the U.S. Constitution and the Constitution of the great state of Tennessee. We believe that the vote is an obligation of all citizens, not just a right; it is necessary for our democracy to survive. Voting should be convenient and accessible for all citizens. We believe that our system of government thrives on a multi-party basis with mutual respect for everyone’s o...

  • Letter to the Editor: Invitation to the Lewis County Democratic Party

    Jun 17, 2021

    Will you have a public discussion with me on how giving a woman the right to choose to have an abortion is not pro-abortion, as you stated in your letter? I would also like to discuss the national Democratic Party’s support for abortion at any time during the pregnancy. I ask to hold this discussion with a resident of Lewis County, not someone brought in from out of the county. The audience should be made-up of people from Lewis County, not those brought in from out of county. Scripture may be used. We will jointly agree on the discussion r...

  • Letter to the Editor

    Jun 10, 2021

    Lewis County has an active Democratic Party, and we would like to take this time to explain what we believe. We believe that all men and women are created equal. We support the U.S. Constitution and the Constitution of the great state of Tennessee. We believe that the vote is an obligation of all citizens, not just a right; it is necessary for our democracy to survive. Voting should be convenient and accessible for all citizens. We believe that our system of government thrives on a multi-party basis with mutual respect for everyone’s o...

  • Tyrades! How About Celebrating History's Unsung Mothers?

    Danny Tyree|May 6, 2021

    Since you asked, my niece Claire is expecting her first baby in August. Her sister Emma is expecting her second child in October. I have faith that both young ladies will someday earn a spot in a Hall of Fame for Mothers. Alas, history is littered with mothers who DIDN’T receive proper recognition. Here are some particularly egregious examples: The mother of “Washington Post” owner and Amazon founder Jeff Bezos, who once scolded him, “Democracy dies in darkness? It smells like something died in...

  • Letter to the Editor: Betty Turnbow

    May 6, 2021

    The Lewis County Education Fund has helped a number of the Lewis County High School graduated pursue their educational goals over the years. The Turnbow family wishes to thank our family and friends for their generous donation to support a scholarship in the memory of Craig Turnbow. Craig believed in the importance of education and a $5,000 scholarship was award to Callie Dye in his memory. In memory of Dorothy Turnbow additional scholarships were awarded to Austin Duncan ($1,250), Addison Johns ($1,250) and Abigail Brewer ($1,250) this past...

  • Letter to the Editor: Barbara J. Hinson

    Apr 29, 2021

    In the April 15th issue of the Lewis County Herald there was an article about the Lewis County Library and Archives being selected as one of the four runners-up in the 2021 American Library Association Penguin Random House Award for Innovation. This is a great recognition for our Library Director Crystal Nash, her staff and the library volunteers. They work each day to create community service programs that successfully inspire and connect with readers of all ages. Director Nash and her staff work each day to address needs of the local...

  • One Day At A Time

    Evelyn 'E.T.' Trevathan|Apr 15, 2021

    Well it is a beautiful spring morning here in our little valley, the sunshine is warm, and there is a gentle little breeze blowing and a beautiful blue sky. The cats have all ate their breakfast and are now running and playing. The birds seem very happy, they are all singing their little songs. I went out and sat in the rocking chairs on the front porch and I enjoyed the warm sunshine and my cup of coffee. God is good. A lot of people are putting their gardens out. Everyone is hoping for a better year. There is still a lot of talk about the...

  • Letter to the Editor: Patty Crews

    Apr 15, 2021

    I never thought I’d see the day They call it taking a knee, No respect for Old Glory And sometimes none for you and me. I never thought I’d see the day Abortion on demand Precious life given by God, Taken away by man. I never thought I’d see the day When I think on years gone by, Business closed on Sunday A day of worship for you and I. I never thought I’d see the day No Bible reading in school, I guess that’s why so few today Live by the Golden Rule. My prayer: Lord, please forgive and help us We are so greatly blessed. With each New Day y...

  • One Day At A Time

    Evelyn 'E.T.' Trevathan|Apr 8, 2021

    Well it is a quiet and peaceful morning here in our little valley. The sun is shining down and feels so warm. The cats have had their breakfast and are laying in the warm sunshine. The birds are all singing and I even saw a butterfly. I think everyone and everything is ready for spring. Yesterday morning I swept my porches and got all my washing done and I even hung clothes out on the line. After we had lunch and got the dishes washed and put away, I quilted most of the afternoon. Life here is good. There is still trouble all around - when you...

  • Letter to the Editor: Harry Crist

    Apr 1, 2021

    Do you ever sit back and wonder what happened to the days gone by? What happened to playing games int he yard with kids int he neighborhood, riding your bike, fishing and hunting with Popa? What has happened to respect not only for your elders, but respect for ALL, including yourself? Manners also seem to have gone by the wayside. It seems like “we the people” have forgotten about God, country, church and family! Family dinners were always a time to catch up with how everyone’s day went, they were always precious to me. What worries me is that...

  • Letter to the Editor Correction: John Baker

    Mar 11, 2021

    In my Letter to the Editor a couple of weeks ago, an honest typing error was made (my handwriting is not the best in the world.) The error was, Donald Trump - President in Fault! It should have read, Donald Trump - President in Fact! John Baker...

  • Letter to the Editor: Wesley Carroll

    Mar 4, 2021

    “O Biden, Where Art Thou?” While this is not the exact title of one of the best written movies of my generation, the sentiment seems to reverberate throughout my oversized head these days. I find myself wondering why our current president has not yet been successful in ridding the United States of the COVID-19 virus? Super Joe and his fellow fighters of freedom laid every American death, pre-Biden coronation, at the feet of Mr. Trump. Mr. Biden stood on the platitudes during his campaign that his administration would bring immediate eco...

  • Letter to the Editor: John Baker

    Feb 25, 2021

    Dear Editor, The United States is not a Democracy, it is a Republic. When asked what kind of country we have, Benjamin Franklin said, “A Republic, if you can keep it.” Our Pledge of Allegiance states, “and to the Republic for which it stands.” Most of our federal politicians and ‘bureau-rats’ only have allegiance to themselves and their love of money. Teddy Roosevelt said, “It is absolutely impossible for a Republic long to endure if it becomes either corrupt or cowardly.” The Democrats (Socialists) are corrupt, and the Republicans (Ri...

  • Letter to the Editor: John Jorgensen

    Feb 18, 2021

    Dear Editor, I would like to offer my sincere appreciation to MLEC for their outstanding service during this recent cold weather period. We live in a remote area of Lewis County and are at the end of the grid. During this period, with minor exceptions, our power remained on. Wonderful! Thank you for all your pro-active work prior to the cold snap. I would also encourage you to not jump on this latest “ Green Energy” farce. So far, our state with the Governor and legislature, and local officials have used a common-sense approach to this and the...

  • Letter to the Editor: Melanie S. Kupfer

    Feb 11, 2021

    Dear Editor, This is a very trying time for the United States of America. A decision needs to be made whether or not a former president can be held accountable for his actions after he leaves office. Our Senators, Marcia Blackburn and Bill Hagerty, will be asked to set a precedent in this very important vote that will affect the United States democracy for years to come. So for those who think, “He’s out of office. It doesn’t matter, let’s move on, or to try a president who is no longer in office is unconstitutional,” they apparently don’t und...

  • One Day At A Time

    Evelyn 'E.T.' Trevathan, Contributing Writer|Feb 11, 2021

    Well, it’s a cold wintry morning. I have my hot coffee and a good warm fire going. The house is so comfortable. The cats are snuggled back in their bed on the porch for a long winter cat nap. And I’m watching for the snow. I guess we all still have that little kid in us that wants a big snow. I love to see it snow. There are a lot of birds in the yard. I also see a couple of deer and even a few squirrels. They are all eating together peacefully, nobody is arguing, fussing or fighting. Just quiet and content eating together. Who said animals are...

  • Letter to the Editor: Wesley Carroll

    Feb 4, 2021

    Mr. Editor, I would like to enter an opinion (simply that of a concerned citizen of this wonderful community, state, and these great United States) in response to Ms. Kupfer’s letter published in an edition of the Herald a couple of weeks ago. Ms. Kupfer said she was disappointed that our representatives were among those who questioned the validity of elections in certain states- states that conveniently happen to have been the very ones either candidate would require to win the election. While it is true that both of our U.S. Senators from Ten...

  • Lend a helping hand

    Evelyn 'E.T.' Trevathan, Contributing Writer|Jan 28, 2021

    Well, there is a light rain falling, cool but not bad cold to be winter, but heavy rain is on the way. Got a warm fire in the old heating stove, a cup of good hot coffee, the cats have eaten and they are snuggled back in their beds for a nice cat nap. I am enjoying this peaceful morning. Later, I will put a pot of homemade soup on to cook and put a big skillet of cornbread in the oven. I saw the old John Deere tractor with a big bale of hay on it, yesterday. Our neighbor and the boys were loading the old farm truck and hauling hay to the barn...

  • Facing Up to the China Threat

    Jan 28, 2021

    By Brian T. Kennedy, president of American Strategy Group The following is adapted from a speech delivered on September 29, 2020, in Rapid City, South Dakota, at a Hillsdale College National Leadership Seminar. Reprinted by permission from Imprimis, a publication of Hillsdale College We are at risk of losing a war today because too few of us know that we are engaged with an enemy, the Chinese Communist Party (CCP), that means to destroy us. The forces of globalism that have dominated our government (until recently) and our media for the better...

  • A Season of Love

    Dec 31, 2020

    By Grace T. Tarrant, 18 years old Christmas is the time of the year that the birth of our Lord is focused upon. We read the story of His birth, and contemplate on what it means to us today. We feel His love and know He sent His son for us. Around this time of the year, you’ll often hear music about Jesus’ birth. Carolers sing and radios play. It’s truly amazing how this music can lift your spirit. Beautiful lights of all colors hang on trees, houses, shops and any other thing they’ll fit on. Their gentle glow lights up the night with color....

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