Serving Hohenwald, Lewis County Tennessee Since 1898

Articles from the 'glimpses of hohenwalds past' series

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  • September 24, 1953

    Sep 28, 2023

    September 24, 1953 The main headline for the week was “Visit the Bloodmobile Here, Friday, September 25th; Save A Life.” The City of Hohenwald placed a notice in the paper stating that “All traffic violators are warned that City Law enforcement officers will enforce the City Traffic Ordinance of the City of Hohenwald to the fullest extent, and everyone caught violating the Traffic Ordinance will be given traffic tickets and punished to the fullest extent of the law.” Robert J. Ramstead replaced Fred Rouch as Superintendent of the Meriwet...

  • September 17, 1953

    Crystal Nash|Sep 21, 2023

    September 17, 1953 B. & O. Pharmacy had a camera go missing from the store and received a letter from the shoplifter a few days later. Dr. Hurt reported that the letter included a one-dollar bill along with a note stating that twelve dollars would be sent, a dollar a week, to pay for the camera. The newspaper added, “Doc days he believes their conscious must be hurting them… he will be glad to get the twelve dollars, although it was a $14.95 camera.” Members of the Hohenwald Baptist Churc...

  • Glimpses of Hohenwald's Past

    Crystal Nash|Sep 14, 2023

    September 10, 1953 The Lewis County Civitan banquet held to honor H.D. “Breezy” Wynn was attended by 250 persons. Wynn, in his address to the group, stated that the factory to be built in Hohenwald would manufacture men’s and boys’ suits and slack. An estimated 350 persons would be employed. Irvin Epley was named as Lewis County Extension Agent. Alton Crowell was presented a 10-year service pin by Genesco Superintendent Hardin Gillespie. Basil Staggs caught a 39-pound catfish while fishing in th...

  • Glimpses

    Crystal Nash|Sep 7, 2023

    September 3, 1953 Hohenwald Bank and Trust Company celebrated its 50th year on September 1. The Lewis County Civic Club sponsored a banquet to honor H.D. “Breezy” Wynn, Knoxville industrialist who contracted with Hohenwald and Lewis County to operate a manufacturing plant in Hohenwald. Reverend L.F. Haley retired from the ministry after 42 years, and returned to Hohenwald to make his home. D.T. Hardy returned home after serving in Korea aboard the U.S.S. Los Angeles. Mrs. E.H. Wright and Mrs...

  • August 27, 1953

    Crystal Nash|Aug 31, 2023

    August 27, 1953 Army Private Boyce Tatum was injured in Korea; he was sent to a hospital in Japan to undergo treatment. The Lewis County Civic Club announced the hosting of a banquet on September 3 to honor H.D. Wynn, Knoxville Industrialist, who contracted with Hohenwald and Lewis County to operate a manufacturing plant here. Winners of the Lewis County 4-H Dress Contest were announced. Merle Whitehead won first place in the Senior Dress category, and June Sublett won first place in the Junior...

  • Glimpses of Hohenwald's Past

    Crystal Nash|Aug 24, 2023

    August 20, 1953 Mayor W.C. Keaton and J.H. Warf, President of the Lewis County Civic Club, announced that negotiations were completed and a contract was signed by H. D. Wynn, Knoxville Industrialist, for the operation of a plant in Hohenwald to manufacture men’s and boy’s suits and slacks. The new plant was estimated to bring jobs to more than 3,000 persons. Lewis County Schools were scheduled to open for the 1953-1954 school year on August 24. The following news items were reported on res...

  • Glimpses

    Crystal Nash|Aug 17, 2023

    August 13, 1953 The State Health Department approved the Hohenwald water system. The following items were reported on residents serving in the Armed Forces: Billy Edwards and Doug Poag were enroute to San Diego, CA where they would be inducted into the United States Navy. W. C. Harris and Charles Adair III arrived at Fort Hood, TX for Army basic training. Billy Sharp completed Army basic training at Fort Lee, VA. J. C. Goodman was wounded in action and awarded the Purple Heart while defending a...

  • Glimpses of Hohenwald's Past

    Crystal Nash|Aug 10, 2023

    This article was written using local history resources available at the Lewis County Public Library and Archives. Libraries are guardians of history. Visit the library and archives to learn more about our community’s unique past. August 6, 1953 James Mayberry was awarded the Purple Heart medal for wounds received in the Korean War. Jack Collier was appointed as acting postmaster for the Hohenwald Post Office, replacing Ernest Rasbury who had served since November 1952. The following news was r...

  • Glimpses of Hohenwald's Past By Crystal Nash

    Crystal Nash|Aug 3, 2023

    July 30, 1953 The Hohenwald Methodist Church organized a new men’s club that was chartered by the Methodism’s General Board of Lay Activities in Chicago. The Lewis County Chapter of the American Cancer Society published the names of all the people who had made donations. Mr. and Mrs. L.I. Johnston celebrated their 43rd wedding anniversary at a surprise party held by family and friends. Mrs. Bernard Lindsey and James I. Johnston were honored on their birthdays with a picnic dinner hosted by fam...

  • Glimpses of Hohenwald's Past

    Crystal Nash|Jul 27, 2023

    July 23, 1953 Blank Peoples of Huntsville, AL was the winner of the 1953 Chevrolet car that was given away by the American Legion Fred E. Lomax Post 127 in a drawing held July 11th. The newspaper reported, “Mr. Peoples, we understand, celebrated his 20th birthday on the day he won the car.” The Conservation Department announced that they had released 250 small-mouth bass in the Buffalo River, and 250 fish in Swan Creek. Curtis Devore completed an advanced training course at with the Army at For...

  • Glimpses of Hohenwald's Past

    Crystal Nash|Jul 20, 2023

    July 16, 1953 A. B. Nicholson was named County Judge following the resignation of W. E. Humphreys. D. D. Humphreys, Jr. was named General Sessions Judge following the resignation of W. E. Humphreys. All members of the Ground Observers Corps., in this area, were alerted to maintain an indefinite state of “Standby Readiness,” for a surprise attack as part of training exercises put on by the Air Defense Command to test readiness in military emergencies. Colonel H. Quillen was presented the Thi...

  • Glimpses of Hohenwalds Past

    Crystal Nash|Jul 13, 2023

    July 9, 1953 Mrs. Blue Carroll was cooking breakfast when she opened the utensil drawer of her electric range to find an 18-inch copperhead coiled among the pots and pans. The Herald added, “Snakes, snakes, snakes is just about the topic of the day hereabouts… Ladies, you had better keep a keen eye while in the kitchen-- you, too, may be hording some reptile.” According to the Selective Service Board there were 110 Lewis County residents in active military service. Noel Akers purchased the S...

  • Glimpses of Hohenwald's Past

    Crystal Nash|Jul 6, 2023

    July 02, 1953 The main news for the week was that many Hohenwald businesses planned to be closed for the Independence Day holiday. The newspaper reported, “From all indications Hohenwald will be a quiet city on Saturday, July 4th… If you will need groceries over the weekend you had better lay them in store Thursday or Friday, for they will be closed as tight as a jug Saturday…all garages will be closed also, so keep this in mind.” Jesper Jensen was serving in Europe with the U. S. Air Force....

  • Glimpses of Hohenwald's Past

    Crystal Nash|Jun 29, 2023

    June 25, 1953 The Fred E. Lomax Post 127 of the American Legion announced they would give away a 1953 four-door Chevrolet sedan in a drawing planned for July 11th in Hohenwald. Ticket chances could be purchased at a number of local businesses. Proceeds would go toward the local child welfare program. Curtis Devore graduated from Army basic training. Funeral services were held for David Jackson; Maude Jones, 67; and for Ella Warren, 74. “Woman of the North Country,” starring Rod Cameron and Ruth...

  • Glimpses of Hohenwald's Past

    Crystal Nash|Jun 22, 2023

    June 18, 1953 The 1951-52 annual report made by the City of Hohenwald won top honors for “most original” in a state-wide competition sponsored by the Tennessee Municipal League. Strong winds struck Hohenwald on June 13th, at about 3 p.m. “clearing the streets of dust, paper, and people” and leaving “them with broken limbs and twigs.” Mrs. Cas Lomax discovered that the upper story of her home on West Linden Avenue was infested with copperheads when one of the snakes fell from a hole in the ceil...

  • Glimpses of Hohenwald's Past By Crystal Nash

    Crystal Nash|Jun 15, 2023

    June 11, 1953 V.K. Conner was named cashier of the Hampshire Bank, having served as assistant cashier at the Hohenwald Bank and Trust for seven years. A Mt. Pleasant resident drowned while swimming during a church picnic at Swan Creek, about five miles east of Hohenwald. Kate Schubert marked her ten-year anniversary as an employee of Genesco. Funeral services were held for Billy Marshall, 8; and for Augusta Watkins, 74. A large box of Tide laundry soap cost $0.27 at U-Tote ‘Em, and a dozen l...

  • Glimpses of Hohenwald's Past

    Crystal Nash|Jun 8, 2023

    June 4, 1953 Word was received that Private James R. Mayberry had been seriously wounded in Korea. The Trace Creek Road, connecting Highway 48 and Highway 20 was completed and open for traffic. Jerry Fite was drafted into the U.S. Army. Boyce Tatum completed advanced training at Fort Jackson, SC. John Davis was undergoing Air Force basic training at Lackland Air Force Base. Eddie Baker was discharged from the Navy. The Lewis County Board of Education was accepting bids for the purchase of one...

  • Glimpses of Hohenwald's Past

    Crystal Nash|Jun 1, 2023

    May 28, 1953 D.D. Humphreys, Jr. was appointed U.S. Commissioner for the Middle District of Tennessee by Judge Elmer Davies. The Herald reported that rabid dog went on a rampage. According to reports, a hound dog escaped from his pen and bit approximately 15 other dogs. The dog was immediately killed and the head taken to Nashville where it was it tested positive for rabies. The newspaper urged residents to keep their dogs vaccinated and penned up and re-published laws concerning...

  • Glimpses of Hohenwald's Past

    Crystal Nash|May 25, 2023

    May 21, 1953 The Fred E. Lomax American Legion Post 127 presented 41 Lewis County Korean War veterans with certificates of honor. R. K. Roney was named vice president of the Tennessee-Kentucky Canners Association. The following boys were listed as having left for final induction into the Army on May 18: Charles Adair, W. C. Harris, Jimmy Hensley, Larry Rodgers, Melvin Roberson, Billy Sharp, and George Voorhies. Andrew Hinson was attending basic training at Lackland Air Force Base, San Antonio,...

  • Glimpses of Hohenwald's Past

    Crystal Nash|May 18, 2023

    May 14, 1953 The Lewis County Extension Agency requested that farmers return equipment borrowed from the County Agent so that a complete inventory could be recorded. The General Café changed its opening time from 6 a.m. to 5 a.m. Leon Willis returned home after serving two years in the Army—15 months, of which, were in Korea. “Feuding Fools,” starring Leo Gorcey and the Bowery Boys, and “Wyoming Roundup,” starring Whip Wilson, were the Friday and Saturday movies showing at the Strand Theatre. ...

  • Glimpses of Hohenwald's Past

    Crystal Nash|May 11, 2023

    May 7, 1953 The main headline for the week was “Fifty-One Seniors Will Receive Diplomas Here Friday Night.” Merle Whitehead was announced as first place winner in the MLEC essay contest; Raymond Grinder was the second place winner. A & B Hardware advertised that they had plenty of baseball bats made by the Hohenwald Bat Company in stock, adding that the locally-made bats were “as good as any bats to be had anywhere.” Mr. and Mrs. Jimmy Beasley announced the birth of their daughter, Patrici...

  • Glimpses of Hohenwald's Past

    Crystal Nash|May 4, 2023

    April 30, 1953 Charles Hinson entered the armed services and was taking basic training with the Medical Replacement Training Center at Camp Picket, VA. The Hohenwald Speedway announced that they would open each Sunday afternoon with races at 2 p.m. Buie’s Service Station was scheduled to hold their grand opening on May 2. A free five-pound bag of sugar would be given to customers to bought 10 gallons of gasoline, and a 2-pound bag of sugar would be given to those who bought five gallons of g...

  • Glimpses of Hohenwalds Past

    Crystal Nash|Apr 20, 2023

    April 16, 1953 Bisbee’s Comedians, featuring Boob Brasfield, held a 3-day performance at the Kittrell lot on West Main on April 16th through 18th. Dorothy Hinson was named Valedictorian of the 1953 LCHS Senior Class. Dorothy Floyd was named Salutatorian. W.L. Kittrell was presented a Public Relation Award by the Oil Industry Information Committee. A request for a blood donation was issued on behalf of Dennis Talley who was a patient in the VA hospital. Talley had a rare blood type and blood o...

  • Glimpses of Hohenwalds Past

    Crystal Nash|Apr 13, 2023

    April 9, 1953 The City of Hohenwald, having received numerous complaints, reminded residents that it was against the City Ordinance to allow chickens to run at large. A. M. Rasbury retired from Hohenwald Bank and Trust. The Herald reported that Rasbury had been “one of Hohenwald’s leading business men” for over 50 years, having operated Warren and Rasbury, and served as County Court Clerk in addition to later holding a position at the bank. A crime laboratory, a 16-ton mobile unit spons...

  • Glimpses of Hohenwalds Past

    Crystal Nash|Apr 6, 2023

    April 2, 1953 With this issue the Herald entered its 34th year under the publication of the Pollock family, with W.W. Pollock having begun publishing the Herald on April 1, 1920. A photo of devastation caused by a tornado that hit Lewis County 17 years earlier on April 5, 1936 was reprinted. A total of 1,927 persons registered for work during the labor survey that was held by the City of Hohenwald March 20 through 28. The Annual Palm Sunday paper sale held here raised $700 for the Junior League...

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