Serving Hohenwald, Lewis County Tennessee Since 1898

COVID-19/Library Reopening Plan 2020

The Lewis County Public Library is taking the spread of COVID-19 seriously, while simultaneously providing curbside services and virtual programming to the public. On Tuesday, May 5, the library plans to reopen to the public. Keeping library users safe is our top priority and to ensure a safe environment is maintained library staff will resume services as follows.

Phase 1 (May 5th)

1. Access to the library will be limited to 10 patrons at a time for one hour at a time. Only one family member may be allowed in the library at a time. Patrons are expected to follow social distance requirements—six feet apart.

2. Library staff will control access at the door on a first-come, first served basis. Staff reserves the right to deny access to patrons who appear to be sick, i.e., coughing, sneezing.

3. Patrons are encouraged to bring and wear their own face masks and to wash their hands immediately upon entering the library, leaving the library, and upon changing activity while in the library. Staff will be required to wear masks for the safety of the public.

4. In order to maintain a safe distance, we will only have 3 computers available for public use. Usage will be limited to unemployment applications, job searches, homework, emails, or any work-related activity. Computer time is considered part of the 1 hour time limit in the library. After each patron is finished with the computer, the computer will be wiped/sprayed down with disinfectant.

5. Curbside services will be available. Patrons will be encouraged to preorder items by phone, online, or via Facebook request. Each patron who wishes to check out an item(s) will stop at the front desk and make their request to a staff member. The staff member will retrieve the item(s) and check out the materials to them. At this time, patrons will not be allowed to browse the shelves on their own.

6. All library materials should be returned in the book drop. Each returned item will be disinfected and quarantined 24 hours before being available for checkout.

7. While following physical distancing requirements, patrons will be allowed to read the newspapers, study, and use the wi-fi service. Gloves will be provided for the newspapers and are mandatory.

8. Staff may not be able to provide one-on-one technology assistance at this time due to social distancing.

9. Meeting rooms will not be in use. No library programs other than passive, online, or make-and-take crafts will be available.

10. Limited hours will be as follows: Elderly and vulnerable patrons may exclusively use the library Tuesday through Friday from 10 a.m. to 12 p.m. All patrons may use the library Tuesday through Friday from 1 to 3 p.m.

11. Frequently touched surfaces will be disinfected hourly, and the entire building will be thoroughly disinfected at closing.

Information on Phase 2 and Phase 3 of the library’s reopening plan will be announced at a later date.

To learn more about curbside or virtual services offered by Lewis County Public Library, call the library, or visit the website or Facebook page.


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