Serving Hohenwald, Lewis County Tennessee Since 1898
BBB is receiving calls from consumers and local business owners about a utility scam. The scammers are impersonating LG&E representatives, and threatening residents and business owners with deactivation of service if they don't pay up immediately. The scammers are spoofing LG&E’s phone number on caller IDs.
How the Scam Works:
Utility company imposters will typically reach you with a telephone call or knock on your door claiming to be a representative from the local water, electric, or gas company. In the most common scenario, the scammer informs you that payment is overdue and the utility will be shut off if you don’t pay up immediately.
Tips to Spot This Scam:
Prepaid debit cards and wire transfers are a red flag. If a caller specifically asks you to pay by prepaid debit card or wire transfer, this is a huge warning sign. Your utility company will accept a check or credit card.
Pressure to pay immediately. Scammers will press for immediate payment and may try to intimidate you into giving them your personal and banking information.
Protect Yourself Against This Scam:
Call customer service. If you feel pressured for immediate action by a caller, hang up the phone and call the customer service number on your utility bill. This will ensure you are speaking to a real representative. Never give your personal or banking information to an unverified or unsolicited caller.
Never allow anyone into your home unless you have scheduled an appointment or reported a problem. Also, ask utility employees for proper identification before letting them enter.
To report a scam, go to BBB Scam Tracker.
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