Serving Hohenwald, Lewis County Tennessee Since 1898
Dear Editor,
Is it the intention of Lewis County's local government officials to bankrupt and dispose of small businesses? Whatever happened to economic development? There are no signs of any major businesses moving in, so why are we small businesses getting nickel and dimed to death when we are trying to provide services and eke out a meagre living.
I believe I speak for many in our community, COVID19 has almost ruined us but we're trying to hang on. Now, even though we have no store front and work from our residence for which we pay all taxes and fees, including solid waste, have a business license, which we pay for, (yet another tax). On top of all this we are being hit by an additional solid waste fee of at least $240 per year. Our home and business recycle as much as possible, burn burnable and compost dog waste. What's left is minimal. As we are not within the city limits, we don't have the luxury of pickup, we have to deliver to the landfill.
Lewis County residents have already endured vehicle registration more than doubling for a jail whose architectural plans alone are costing millions. Real estate taxes have been raised; residential solid waste fees raised. How much more can we take before we crumble?
Yes, we could pass this extra expense on to our customers by raising our fees and prices, we then risk closure because of loss of customers. For small businesses it's a no-win situation.
How about relooking at the County budget and weeding out the waste, dead weight and dead wood instead of crippling small businesses by imposing more fees.
Rose Hiett
Hiett Hound Hotel
931-796-1171 (Home)
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