Serving Hohenwald, Lewis County Tennessee Since 1898

Gordonsburg/Little Swan News

Series: Gordonsburg | Story 33

Hope your family had a great Christmas and enjoyed time together during the holidays. Children are still enjoying the bounty they received and many are ready to return to school, but they have another week or more of holiday break, or winter break as some call it.

As you know, we didn’t get the white Christmas that was predicted a few days before the event. Some were sad, some were glad and I guess all those traveling were glad. I think some that headed to the mountains did see snow and were even on the road during some of it falling.

Those who are sick or shut-in and in need of prayers for whatever the need: David and Joyce Barnes, G.Y. Bennett, Connie Bonner, Barbara Brown, Dorothy Brown, Amy Carroll, Betty Carroll, Dorothy Carroll, Joann Carroll, Kathleen Carroll, Spencer Clark, Fada Clay, Billy Cothran, Marian Dryden, Rusty Dupont, Larry Evans, Helen Hardin, Christy Hinson, Beverly Holloway, Mickey James, Monette King, Wendy McKnight, Gage Peters, Rita Stutts Norris, Lisa Rawdon, Mona Runions, Tommy Shaw, Nell Skelton, Janie Spears, Freddie Sublett, Jim and Jan Walker, Jim Webb, Annette Williams, Doug Williams, and Margie Willis. There are still cases of the virus around and we pray this will soon be over and we can get back to a more normal life.

Happy birthday to Joe Garner and Jimmy Barber January 1st, Rachael Barber January 3rd, Keith Reeves January 4th, Kenley Bates and Jerry Roberson January 5th, Jacie Hinson Hayes January 6th, and Helen Alkridge January 7th. Wishing for these many more happy days to celebrate life and hope they have a great birthday.

Happy anniversary to Jerry and Cathey Roberson on January 1st. We wish for them many more years to celebrate life together.

Congratulations to Yogie and Betty Spears who just celebrated 65 years of marriage. That is a real accomplishment in this day and time. They spent time in the mountains with several family members.

We express sympathy to the families of Peter Hennessy, Ransom Layne Turner, Beulah M. Hinson, Linda Lois (Knox) Rossman, Michael Chad Murphy, Pauline Prater Spohr, Johanna Hendrikie O’Guinn, Thomas Lee Haskins Jr., Steven Edward Cude, and Debra Jean Tidwell.Prayers for these families and any other families who have lost loved ones.

We did our family Christmas on Friday instead of Christmas Eve, as usual, because some had to work. We did breakfast brunch mid-morning. Those attending were Jeanea Warf, Steven Jones, Selina Young, Kaitlynn and Maria Tripp, Jesse Eastep, Macy Woodham and Miles and Zeldon, Timothy and Amber Eastep, Raelynn, Natalie, Aaron, and Elinor Grace, Kimberly Collins and Cheyene, and Mario, and, of course, myself. We had a great time. Some were missing, but, although sad, we enjoyed the day. After the meal, the children swapped gifts and then the adults played crazy Christmas with ornaments, Everyone seemed to have a great time. I hope your family enjoyed being with each other also.

The Lewis County Girl Scouts are still selling cookies which will be in the last of January. So if you need to order any, please let me know or some other leader or Girl Scout you may know. We appreciate all the help the people of Lewis County have given us during the last year. It has been a hard year for most everyone with the problems of quarantine and limited numbers of people who can meet in a group.

May God bless and keep you and your family during the coming year and may things be good for you and everyone around you. Remember those who are shut-in or in the hospitals and nursing facilities who cannot, at this time, have visitors. Also pray for the hospitals and medical facilities which are facing financial problems because of the overload of patients and having to have extra staff.

Be sure to call or send cards to those who are not able to be out and about. We pray that the virus will soon be better and churches can get back to being together instead of doing worship in some other manner. The church you are affiliated with is your spiritual family and we miss being with them as much as our physical family.

Hope you have a great New Year and that things will improve with the health problems many have been plagued with. If you plan on celebrating and drinking, please do it responsibly and if you need a ride, call someone or have a designated driver. Please don’t risk your life and the lives of innocent people who may be out traveling around.


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