Serving Hohenwald, Lewis County Tennessee Since 1898
Mr. Editor,
I would like to enter an opinion (simply that of a concerned citizen of this wonderful community, state, and these great United States) in response to Ms. Kupfer’s letter published in an edition of the Herald a couple of weeks ago.
Ms. Kupfer said she was disappointed that our representatives were among those who questioned the validity of elections in certain states- states that conveniently happen to have been the very ones either candidate would require to win the election. While it is true that both of our U.S. Senators from Tennessee, Mrs. Blackburn and Mr. Hagerty, stood to oppose the certification of the electoral votes from those contested states, neither stood on that promise for long. In my opinion, the fact that both lied to their constituents is more concerning than the fact that either broke from the D.C. establishment, or dared to question the corrupt media’s coronation of one Joseph R. Biden, Jr. as president-elect: a title he had been using for nearly a full month before the electoral college even convened. If you would permit me, I would like to delve into our nation’s history for a moment, to show that the idea is not truly unheard of.
In 1876, President Ulysses S. Grant chose not to run for a third term. Instead, the GOP chose Rutherford B. Hayes as nominee to run against Democrat Samuel Tilden. Reconstruction was at its height at this point, and after the votes were cast, Tilden seemed to be the winner. However, questions were raised in Florida, Louisiana and South Carolina as to their validity. Since these three swing states rested in the southern part of the country, which had just been readmitted to the Union, several allegations of fraud and open violence to black voters were lodged, and more than 100% of the eligible voters in South Carolina cast a vote (eerily similar to what happened in Michigan and Georgia last year). In response, Congress created an electoral commission consisting of ten members of Congress (5 democrat and 5 republicans) and 5 members of the Supreme Court to sort out the rift. After hearing the evidence, the commission voted 8-7, giving Hayes the victory, and thereby handing him the presidency.
This event is the crux of what Senator Ted Cruz’s motion stated. Mr. Cruz cited the following, “[W]e should follow that precedent. To wit, Congress should immediately appoint an Electoral Commission, with full investigatory and fact-finding authority, to conduct an emergency 10-day audit of the election returns in the disputed states. Once completed, individual states would evaluate the Commission’s findings and could convene a special legislative session to certify a change in their vote, if needed.”
Ms. Kupfer mentioned that every court in the land had heard and dismissed allegations of voter fraud as having no evidence. In reality, every court in the land refused to even hear the cases, let alone decide if the trove of evidence was sufficient enough to overturn the results. The truth is that the Supreme Court decided not to hear the largest of all these cases (Texas versus Georgia, Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin) due to a “lack of standing by Texas to sue another state; in that Texas was not directly aggrieved by any of these states.” By the court’s opinion, the justices decided not to even hear the evidence in the case, let alone disprove it. In essence, the judicial system, which was set up by our forefathers as one-third of our governmental system, has become so impotent by the never-ending narrative pushed by the left and its media mouthpiece, they now lack virtually any real authority. When our justices cower in fear of what the D.C. political machine threatens, justice is not only no longer blind, but it has also now become non-existent.
Ms. Kupfer said she wonders if Senators Blackburn and Hagerty changed their stances due to the Capitol riot or because the Georgia runoffs had been decided. The runoff elections are yet another troubling situation in that after losing her 2018 gubernatorial race, Stacy Abrams made it her pursuit to build the rolls of “disenfranchised” voters, and luckily, like Pennsylvania’s secretary of state, Kathy Boockvar, she also used a pandemic in order to sidestep her state’s constitution and bypass election laws for “convenience and public safety.” Abrams brought forward a lawsuit to stop the purging of outdated voter rolls, before…wait for it, her own sister, Leslie Abrams Gardner, a federal judge appointed by Obama. In taking a page from the left’s playbook, Gardner refused to recuse herself and overturned the roll cleansing, setting the stage for dead folks or former Georgia residents to vote fraudulently by mail.
Ms. Kupfer states that it is understandable to be loyal to one party, but tragic consequences lay in store for being loyal to one man. I am loyal to my party. I truly believe that most conservatives feel the way I do. We are loyal to this country, and how our forefathers designed it to operate. While I deplore what happened at the Capitol, the divisiveness in this country did not begin with Mr. Trump. This is a wound that has been festering for years, but the man who occupied 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW prior to Mr. Trump should accept the blame for much of the disharmony in this country. Mr. Biden states that he wants to bring unity to this country, all while his vice president is in league with other Democratic representatives like Maxine Waters, Ayanna Pressley, and our esteemed Speaker of the House, Classy Nancy Pelosi, by voicing their approval for the riots and true insurrection that we were witness to this past summer in places like Seattle, Portland, Minneapolis and Kenosha; Harris even went so far as to raise bail money to free these criminals from jail. However, the narrative comes in at this point, in that whenever a “cause” is in play, the rule of law ceases to be relevant. Not once during the “Summer of Love” did the word insurrection pass the lips of our representatives, and, true to form, “journalists” like Chris Cuomo, Don Lemon, and their ilk loaded their bandwagons in support. Ironically, now that republicans are an easy target due to a few hundred extremists breaking into the Capitol, the left is out for blood. Several members of Congress have been quick to baselessly point out that GOP members were giving tours of the Capitol building to people days before the rally-insinuating that these officials were the “reconnaissance.” Even Steve Cohen of Memphis felt necessary to put in his two cents, without any evidence whatsoever, to CNN in blaming freshman congresswoman Lauren Boebert, and then having the nerve to question the loyalty of the members of the National Guard on duty to quell another possible riot: Cohen’s reason for opening his mouth… the Guard being “predominantly white, male and more than likely didn’t vote for Biden.” Now if this doesn’t sound like unity folks, I don’t know what will. The left does not want unity, as stated by the very best candidate that they could drum up, a lifetime politician that is quickly losing control of his mental functions; they want adherence. They want submission to the narrative. They want the American people to fall into lockstep and bend the knee to the authoritarian Washington state.
To quote Mr. Biden, “Come on, man.”
Wesley Carroll
(931) 306-0279
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