Serving Hohenwald, Lewis County Tennessee Since 1898
If you check the temperatures from the past week or more you would think that summer was here although on the calendar it is almost a month away. We are in a dry spell with hot days and cooler nights but the coolness is welcome after the days of temperatures in the eighties. The weather people predict some rain for later in the week and maybe it will happen although many are cutting hay and that would not be good for them.
Those who are sick or shut-in and in need of prayers for whatever the need: G Y Bennett, Connie Bonner, Dorothy Brown, Amy Carroll, Joann Carroll, Kathleen Carroll, Spencer Clark, Fada Clay, Bailey Cromwell, Johnny Dryden, Larry Evans, Buffy Farnsworth, Helen Hardin, Christy Hinson, Micky James, Faye Kilpatrick, Monet King, Colben Ly, Jerry McCann, Jackie McFall, Earl Rasbury, Shirley Reeves, Mona Runions, Boyce Sims, Nell Skelton, Jim and Jan Walker, Diane White, and Annette Williams. There is still many sick in our area so please remember all those you know of in your daily prayers and pray for the healing of our nation.
Happy birthday to Rodney Odom the 29th, Darren Garner and Diana Lomax June 1st, Tammy Williams the 3rd and Jerry Morris and Amanda Rahman the 4th; wishing for these many more happy days to celebrate life and hope they have a great birthday.
We express sympathy to the family of Virginia Hailey, Derrick Rasbury, Benny Joe Lay, Robert Charles Hannig, Virga Virginia “Tootsie” Pevehouse, Eddie Ronald Burklow, Betty Jean Bradford Hughes, and Sadie Louise (Moss) Veach: prayers for these families and any other families that have lost loved ones.
Hopefully you and your family will be able to spend some time together during the Memorial Day weekend, I know this is a great holiday and many will be traveling so be careful and please don’t drink alcoholic beverages and drive for your safety as well as the well being of others. Remember all those who fought and many gave their life to help keep our nation free and we enjoy many freedoms that many other nations do not have.
Congratulations to all those who graduated from whatever school or university it was whether kindergarten, grade school or other it is an accomplishment. My family and I would like to say a big thanks to the class of 2021 at Lewis County High School for the remembrance of my granddaughter Starr Young who would have been in that group last Friday night had she not lost her life at the age of 12 in a vehicle crash. Thanks for all you did to honor her.
We had a great day and many attended the homecoming at Palestine Cemetery and for those who couldn’t come you can still mail you donations to Regions Bank for Palestine Cemetery. Thanks to all who came and made donations, we had people come from Mississippi.
The gardens of many are proving to be a reward with the produce that is being used by those who worked hard and helped to get things planted early. Fresh garden produce is great and thanks to my sister for sharing hers with me. I know lots of people work hard to get gardens out early enough to do good but not too early that frost might threaten their hard work. This year most of what was up escaped the colder weather we had earlier.
Praying that you and yours have a great week and enjoy the world we have to live in and remember those who cannot get out and do things for themselves and call or send a card it lets people know they are thought about and cared for.
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