Serving Hohenwald, Lewis County Tennessee Since 1898

City Council Meeting

The City Council met on Tuesday, June 1, 2021, in which the councilmen held their second reading of a budget ordinance and budget amendment, as well as introduced an ordinance to rezone property.

According to the Ordinance, the City of Hohenwald estimated “revenues of the municipality” from all sources to be as follows: $6,545,030 in the General Fund, $251,744 in the State Street Aid Fund, $44,084 in the Drug Fund and $521,287 in the Sanitation Fund for the 2022 fiscal year which starts on July 1, 2021, and ends June 30, 2022.

The Ordinance also stated that the City of Hohenwald “appropriates from those anticipated revenues and unexpected and unencumbered funds” as follows: the General Fund would have $3,705,862, the State Street Aid Fund would have $86,000, the Drug Fund would have $20,000, and the Sanitation Fund would have $378,693.

The ordinance read, “No appropriation listed above may be exceeded without an amendment of the budget ordinance as required by the Municipal Budget Law of 1982... In addition, no appropriation may be made in excess of available funds except to provide for an actual emergency threatening the health, property or lives of the inhabitants of the municipality and declared by a two-thirds vote of at least a quorum of the governing body.”

At the end of the current fiscal year, the City of Hohenwald estimated balances as follows: $2,634,647 in the General Fund, $61,744 in the State Street Aid Fund, $24,084 in the Drug Fund, and $153,381 in the Sanitation Fund.

Councilman Scottie Bass motioned to pass the Ordinance and Vice Mayor Don Barber seconded the motion. The second reading of the Ordinance passed unanimously.

The council also discussed a Budget Amendment in which $276,434 would be taken from the revenues of the Unassigned Fund and the Sale of Equipment Fund. The money would be used as follows: $176,434 into the Expenditures Legislative Funds, $70,000 into the Police Expenditures Fund and $30,000 into the Golf Expenditures Fund.

Councilman Cody Mitchell motioned to pass the Amendment and Councilman Bass seconded; the motion passed unanimously.

Lastly, an Ordinance came before the council to rezone five parcels of property at 550, 552, 560, 568, and 572 Roney Street to a R-2/Low Density Residential District at the request of the property owner.

Vice Mayor Barber motioned to pass the Ordinance, and Councilman Kevin King seconded the motion. The Ordinance passed unanimously.


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