Serving Hohenwald, Lewis County Tennessee Since 1898

Letter to the Editor: On the Subject of 5G

Series: Letter to the Editor | Story 27

Many of us here have serious concerns about the ongoing rollout of 5G in Hohenwald and Lewis County. These concerns fall into three main areas that I hope we will all think about.

1. First, 5G is an invasion of our property, an unseen trespass of the privacy of our homes and land. 5G intends to cover 100% of our counties and towns, including all rural areas, and will have the built ability to not only monitor everything we do and say, but to arbitrarily turn on, turn off, or limit our use of devices. Each “smart” appliance that we acquire----our TV’s, our 5G wireless routers, modems and phones, the new refrigerators, washing machines, home security systems, nest doorbells, Siri, Alexa, newer cars and trucks----all are designed to monitor, record, watch and listen to us, to collect, save and sell our most personal information – aka our “data.”

We don’t need 5G for internet speed. In Lewis County, coming to everyone, is a wonderful wired fiber optic network, which gives us safe, secure, non-snooping, reliable high-speed internet service.

2. Second, and of major importance to us all, is the health and well-being not only of ourselves, but of our children and grandchildren. Without health, one has nothing. Credible and replicable scientific research studies have shown that the brains of babies and young children are more permeable to the radiation and pulsating effects of 5G and other wireless devices than adults.

Thousands of studies from all over the world prove 5G technology dangerous to our bodies----to the intricate electrical interactions between our cells, our hearts and brains, that create our health, our very life force. These studies can easily be found online. Many people get headaches, flu symptoms, dizziness, ringing in the ears, heart palpitations, brain-fog, memory issues, irritation, and other symptoms from being in 5G fields, even for short periods of time. Whether one feels symptoms or not, everyone’s health is equally at risk. And this includes all living beings in our environment----birds, insects, trees, plants. All are wounded by 5G radiation. Once 5G is rolled out, we will never be able to get away from its 24/7 radiation – for the rest of our lives.

The three main telecom corporations have admitted in front of Congress that there have been no tests – ZERO/NONE - for health effects from 5G---except for a heat test in the 1990’s. The health dangers are not about heat. And our government has not intervened to require any further testing.

Recently a landmark case was won in federal court requiring that the FCC perform objective, non-industry, scientific studies on the health effects of 5G before continuing the rollout. Yet the rollout continues full speed without the tests being done, and without our knowledge and consent.

3. Lastly, there is the potential for unscrupulous misuse or hacking of the technology. 5G was first developed by the military as a weapon for controlling crowds of people. It remains possible that it could be focused or altered slightly for control over people again. This is an area that needs research. But much the way our computers, our modern vehicles can be hacked, I worry that our homes, cars, our bodies would be vulnerable to hacking in various ways.

In rural areas like ours with a fiber optic network being built, the 5G rollout is quietly done by third parties from the telecom industry---subcontractors who come in and install small 5G antennas on top of the fiber network, blanketing our towns, homes, rural roadways and the entire environment with 5G wireless radiation. The public is not consulted and is usually unaware that this is being done. Even MLEC and the fiber companies may not be aware of this before it happens, yet this is happening all over the US.

Now is the time to stop this----before it happens here.

5G (the Internet of Things, or IoT) is the necessary platform and lead up to 6G (the Internet of Bodies) and 7G. All are about increased surveillance, AI (artificial intelligence), robotics, and ultimately, I fear, about control. The technology envisioned and planned for 6G includes embedding chips and sensors into our bodies. Humanity should not blindly acquiesce to this future without understanding what it entails, and without our knowledge and full consent. Obviously, the topic of 5G is about much more than download speeds.

I hope we can come together and decide what we want in Lewis County. Right now, at this moment in time, we have a temporary window to stop the further installation of 5G until the FCC has done the federally mandated health studies.

Locally is where we, the people, still have the power and opportunity to make our wishes known. We want technology, but not at the risk of our privacy, health, and ultimately our freedom and our way of life – and there are plenty of ways to achieve this.

Jan Tache

[email protected]


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