Serving Hohenwald, Lewis County Tennessee Since 1898

Gordonsburg/Little Swan News

Series: Gordonsburg | Story 93

I believe we are seeing the first of what many call the winters of spring, the one we just had must be redbud winter for they are really pretty along the roads and in the woods. I guess the next one will be dogwood and they are beginning to bloom now, I have seen a few that are almost open. The temperature has been mild during the day and cold or cool in the night as a couple of mornings it was in the low thirties on the creek. This past weekend was cool on Saturday early but later was nice and the children could even be outside.Sunday was a cold morning but really nice as the temperature reached the seventies during the day.

Those I know of who are sick either at home, nursing facilities or in the hospitals are: Terry Anderson, Bethann Bates, Kay Baxter, Connie Bonner, L.C. Bowen, Kathleen Carroll, Spencer Clark, Fada Clay, Bailey Cromwell, Buffy Farnsworth, Labri Kendricks, Lyda Mae Hooper, Shirley Howe, Monette King, Colben Ly, Raquel Mallari, Brittany Mash, Linda Mercer, Mike McCann, Jackie McFall, Norene O’Kelly, Betty Odom, Donna Owen, Rocco Pierce, Pam Pullman, Colene Rasbury, Marsha Runions, Mona Runions, Roy Sharp, Joe Shipp, Vickie Skelton, Nell Skelton, Jim and Jan Walker, Diane White, Sharon White, and Annette Williams. Please pray for these in your daily prayers that they might be better and for any others that need prayers.

We wish a happy birthday to Ellen Henderson, Glenda Roden, Leanne Bates, Nancy Tucker, and Lance Odom the 19th, Ricky Carroll and Heather Odom the 21st, and Tyler Seiber the 25th. Wishing for these a very happy birthday and many more to celebrate life.

Happy anniversary to Ken and Lisa Kauffman the 22nd. We wish for them many more happy years to celebrate life together.

Prayers for all those who have lost loved ones this past week. Those I know of include Karl Robert Ensor Jr., John Hector Warden, Joshua Kayo Phillips, James Alexander Lewis Sr., Larry W. Harris, Mary Henrietta Jones Murphree, Glenn Douglas Harper, Joshua Alan Hutchinson, Joe Edward Skelton, Lance Michael Quillen, Mildred Lenore Qualls Williams, and Dempsey Edward Goodman. Prayers for all these families and any others which we may not know.

Those who are members of the Historical Society or interested in being in the group, we will be having a meeting on Monday April 18th, at the Strand Theater at 7:00 p.m. This is a great way to learn about Lewis County and the people who live here so come out and enjoy meeting those that come and put your two cents in about programs you would be interested in.

This Friday will be a holiday for many of those who work in the area and all over the nation.It will be Good Friday. Hopefully people will take time to remember what this means to many in our nation and all over the world. It will be a three-day weekend for many and trips perhaps to visit with relatives around the country. There will, I am sure, be egg hunts for the children in the area. There will also be many who have new clothes for the spring and summer season.

Praying that you and yours have a happy and safe weekend and enjoy the pretty weather predicted by the weather people.


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