Serving Hohenwald, Lewis County Tennessee Since 1898

Lewis County Board of Education met

The Lewis County Board of Education met in the regular session on Thursday, May 10, 2022, at 6:00 p.m. at the Lewis County Middle School auditorium located at Park Ave. South, Hohenwald, Tn. All board members were present Chair Glenda Atkinson, Vice-Chair Johnny Clayton, Derek Cotham, Paula Dyer, Blake Farr, Lindsey Himes, and Jackie Holt. Board member Phyllis Townsend joined the meeting electronically by Facetime.

The invocation was given by Hayden Bass. The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Mr. Clayton.

Chair Atkinson asked Dale Lynch, TOSS Executive Director, to come to the stage and recognize Director of Schools, Benny Pace, for his recent selection as South-Central Tennessee Superintendent of the Year. Mr. Lynch welcomed Senator Joey Hensley and thanked him for his dedication to the education departments across the state. He also welcomed Michelle Gilbert, Hickman County Superintendent of School, and thanked her for being at the meeting to show her support for Mr. Pace. Mr. Lynch commended Mr. Pace for serving as Superintendent of Lewis County Schools for the past 19 years. He stated that there was only one other active superintendent of schools in the state that had more years of service than Mr. Pace. Mr. Lynch further stated that the award that was being presented to Mr. Pace was not because he was retiring, but because his peers wanted Mr. Pace to represent them in the South-Central region of Tennessee as Superintendent of the year. He thanked Mr. Pace for his many years of service and that he will greatly be missed in the public education sector. Mr. Pace addressed the board and the audience and stated that his time at the schools has been an awesome experience and he is very grateful for the award that he has received as South-Central Tennessee Superintendent of the Year.

Chair Atkinson asked board member Mrs. Dyer to make the presentation to the Teachers of the Year. Each teacher received a resolution from Senator Hensley and Representative Byrd recognizing them for their accomplishments and being selected as Teacher of the Year. They also received a gift card from the board members. Senator Hensley joined the teachers of the year for a photo. The teachers of the year that were recognized are;

• Haley Mitchell-Elementary school

• Ginnon Kilpatrick- Intermediate school

• Koty Couch-Middle school

• Dr. Richard Mears- High school

Lewis County Middle School top ten students were recognized.

1. Ashlee Wilson

2. Brylee Whitehead

3. Geena Caprio

4. McKinley Sullivan

5. Clara Tanner

6. Klayr Shepherd

7. Addison Osborne

8. Xavier Shook

9. Emery Norris

10. Aryn Shepherd

Chair Atkinson opened the floor for public input. Ms. Atkinson reminded everyone that there would be a three-minute limit for their comments. Rob Inman was the first person to speak to the board. Mr. Inman stated that the first thing he wanted to do was to commend the board for conducting the public interviews. He stated that there were things brought to light that he found very interesting. The schools were fourth in teacher retention, fourth in teacher base pay and two schools that are reward schools. He said that this is commendable for the board and Mr. Pace. Mr. Inman further stated that he wanted to clear the air and that he did file a request for the Freedom of Information Act. He also stated that he believed in the process of electing people to be a voice from their district, and in that process the only recourse, as a voter, that we have is when we vote for you again. Mr. Inman continued by saying its all about the integrity of the process, it is not about who you hire or might hire. The whole idea for him filing for the information was to bring into the light how everybody voted. He also stated that the biggest responsibility for the board is the vision of the school system. He further stated that it was also the board’s responsibility to find the person that they thought is most qualified to implement a plan to forward that vision. Mr. Inman stated that if that vision or foundation is strong enough, then it does not matter if we have somebody for 18 years or if we have someone for two years. In saying this he stated that he thought a two-year contract for the new director of schools would be the best. The next to speak was Nancy McDonald. She stated that she had sat with each of the board members, and that they were voted in here because you know how to do the job. She further stated that she put her trust in the board to do the very right thing or you would not be sitting here. Matt Carroll was the next person to speak. He stated that he also filed for the Freedom of Information Act. He stated that he thought that due diligence was not done across the board. He further stated that the one thing he hates about politics is that when a person gets in the seat, that people do not hear again from them until its time for them to be reelected. He stated that he did not hear from his representative. He stated that this was not an attack and that the people and that we have gone into this with our eyes closed and we really do not know what we’re doing and to please consider a short-term contract. Jan Ammons was the last person to speak during public input. She stated that she agreed with what Rob and Matt had previous stated. She stated when she needed to know something about the school board that she went to the school board member and when she needed to know something about the county commissioner that she goes to her commissioner. She stated that she trusted the board members and that she knew that they would do the right thing tonight. She stated that it was the people’s responsibility to go to board meetings, to go to commissioner meetings, to talk to everyone that is leading us and to tell them how we feel.

Consent Agenda

Upon motion Mr. Farr and seconded by Mr. Cotham, the consent agenda was unanimously approved.

Previous minutes- Approved minutes from the April 12, 2022, board meeting. ADD-ON/APPROVED MINUTES FROM THE SPECIAL CALLED MEETING ON APRIL 29, 2022, AND THE SPECIAL CALLED MEETING ON MAY, 3, 2022.

Adopted agenda.

Regular Agenda

Director’s Report

• Approved leave of absence for LeaAnn Anderson, LCES teacher, effective April 13, 2022, through April 26, 2022.

• Accepted the letter of intent to retire from Leslie Lyell, effective May 21, 2022.

• The LCHS graduation will be May 20, 2022, and will begin 7:00 p.m. at the Bobby W. Sharp stadium. Board members will gather at the Field House at 6:30 p.m.

• All four Pre-K classrooms have been approved for the 2022-2023 school year.

• There were not bids received on the HVAC for the elementary cafeteria. He stated that we are trying to get quotes and that it was going to be very expensive.

• The motor in the freezer at the Middle School cafeteria is going to be another big expense and Director Pace will be giving the board further information as it becomes available to him.

• Mr. Pace asked Mylie McKissack to present the summer school plan to the board members.

UNFINISHED BUSINESS- There was no unfinished business to discuss.

New Business

Upon motion by Ms. Couch and seconded by Mr. Clayton, to combine items a,b, and c under one vote, was unanimously approved.

Upon motion by Ms. Couch and seconded by Mr. Farr, to accepted items, a, b, and c was unanimously approved.

a) Authorize the Executive Committee to make such expenditures for the 2022-2023 fiscal year as in their opinions may be necessary to further the educational programs. These expenditures shall include, but not be limited to, learning and instructional materials, other expenses for instruction, plant operation costs, supplies for maintenance and operation, expenses for school lunch program, travel expenses, capital outlay transportation expenses, and fixed charges. It is agreed and understood that such expenditures shall be reported at subsequent meetings of the Lewis County Board of Education throughout the 2022-2023 school year.

b) Authorize the Director of Schools to prepare, sign, submit, implement programs, projects, and budgets under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Improvement Act (IDEIA) Part B P.L. 108-446 as amended; Preschool P.L. 99-457-§619 as amended; Tennessee Code Annotated §49-10-302; Workforce Investment Act (WIA; Carl D. Perkins-4Vocational Act P.L. 98-524; LEAPs and other federal, state, and federal legislation for the 2022-2023 school year. Furthermore, the Director of Schools shall be authorized to submit any future amendments, addendums, correspondence, etc., pertaining thereto on behalf of the Lewis County Board of Education. Also, authorize the Director of School to prepare, sign, submit, and implement programs and projects under the ESSA/Elementary Secondary Education Act, (ESEA), P.L. 107-110; Consolidated Application Plan and future. A line-item budget will be presented to board members for approval. In addition, authorize the Director of Schools to have authority to establish the amounts of funds that will be committed or assigned for specific purposes at the end of the 2022-2023 school year.

c) Approve submission to the Department of Education of the Career Technical and Title Plans and/or Reports.

d) Selection of Director of Schools

Chair Atkinson informed the board members that there had been seven candidates that had been interviewed for the director of schools’ position. A recording of the last three candidates was sent to Mrs. Townsend. She stated that the seven candidates that were interviewed were Dr. Tara Tiller, Dr. Courtney Woods, Dr. Tracy McAbee, Dr. Justin Barden, Mr. Larry Helton, Mr. Allen Trull and Ms. Brandi Feichtinger. Dr. Tiller and Dr. Woods have withdrawn from the selection. Chair Atkinson turned the meeting over to the secretary of the Board, Benny Pace, for a roll call vote to select the new director of schools. Mr. Pace explained that the votes would be in the order of the district that the board members represented. Roll call vote went as follows:

• District 1- Cassie Couch-Dr. Tracy McAbee

• District 2- Glenda Atkinson- Dr. Tracy McAbee

• District 3- Lindsey Himes- Dr. Tracy McAbee

• District 4- Derek Cotham- Dr. Tracy McAbee

• District 5- Phyllis Townsend- Dr. Tracy McAbee

• District 6- Jackie Holt- Dr. Tracy McAbee

• District 7- Johnny Clayton-Dr. Tracy McAbee

• District 8- Paula Dyer- Dr. Tracy McAbee

• District 9- Blake Farr- Dr. Tracy McAbee

Ms. Himes made a motion to select Dr. Tracy McAbee and enter into contract agreement with him. The motion was seconded by Mr. Farr and the motion was unanimously approved.


Chair Atkinson reminded everyone that they are invited to attend Mr. Pace’s retirement reception this Sunday, May 15, 2022, at the LCHS commons area between the hours of 2-4 p.m.

Chair Atkinson announced that the next regular scheduled meeting will be June 14, 2022, at the Lewis County Board of Education Board meeting room beginning at 6:00 p.m.

Chair Atkinson stated that there will need to be a special called meeting to discuss the contract negotiations for the Dr. Tracy McAbee. She stated that the board could be looking at Mr. Pace’s current contract and compare and make changes that needed to be done. Board members agree to have the special called meeting on May 17, 2022, at the Lewis County Board of Education board meeting room and will begin at 6:00 p.m.


Upon motion by Mrs. Dyer and seconded by Mrs. Himes, the meeting adjourned at 6:40 p.m.


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