Serving Hohenwald, Lewis County Tennessee Since 1898

Gordonsburg/Little Swan News

Series: Gordonsburg | Story 101

Summertime seems to be here a little early according to the calendar with temperatures in the eighties, and even close to ninety degrees, some days. Many of the children and older children are enjoying the creeks and pools that are already open around the area. Gardens are showing the efforts of those who worked them and are now reaping the bounty of their work. It is hard to keep the yards looking good with the showers we have had the last week or so and the wind that has accompanied the rains leaves lots of twigs and limbs that have to be removed before mowing.

Those I know of who are sick either at home, nursing facilities or in the hospitals are: Terry Anderson, Kay Baxter, Carson Bennett, Connie Bonner, L.C. Bowen, Amy Carroll, Kathleen Carroll, Spencer Clark, Fada Clay, Bailey Cromwell, Buffy Farnsworth, Calvin Harris, Cruz Henderson, Labri Kendricks, Calvin Harris, Martha Hensley, Lyda Mae Hooper, Shirley Howe, Monette King, Ronnie Lewis, Colben Ly, Raquel Mallari, Brittany Mash, Linda Mercer, Greg McCann, Mike McCann, Howard Miller, Jackie McFall, Norene O’Kelly, Betty Odom, Donna Owen, Pam Pullman, Colene Rasbury, Mona Runions, Tyler Seiber, Roy Sharp, Joe Shipp, Vickie Skelton, Nell Skelton, Howard Tripp, Jim Walker, and Annette Williams. Please pray for these in your daily prayers that they might be better and for any others that need prayers. Let us remember those in areas where there are wars and daily fear for themselves and their families.

We wish a happy birthday to James Graham the 11th, Peggy McCann the 14th, and Danny Atkinson and Shawn Clayton the 16th. Wishing for these a very happy birthday and many more to celebrate life.

Happy anniversary to Gary and Pam Graham the 12th, and to Corbin and Jennifer Carroll the 14th. Wishing for these couples many more years to celebrate life together.

Prayers for all those who have lost loved ones this past week. Those I know include Marjorie Sue Gilmer, Vannie Lee Bowen Kilpatrick, Patricia Ann Dunn, Steen Malone, Leslie Gene Harris, Gary Hager Shepherd, Donald Glen Hinson and Martha Nelle McClearen King. Prayers for all these families and any others about which we may not know.

This year is over half over and seems like just yesterday was January, but time passes faster as you get older, or it seems that way. It seems just yesterday we were complaining about the cold weather and now we complain about the heat of the days. I guess that is just human nature.

As I mentioned some are going to the creeks and my daughters took some of the grandchildren on Saturday and it didn’t take long for them to remember how cold Swan Creek can be even in the summertime with high temperatures. But the children enjoyed it, this was the first time this year to venture to the creek as they have a small pool at their grandmother’s house.

Praying for you and your family to have a safe and enjoyable week and remember to do good to those who are in need. We sometimes seem to forget those who are shut-in and can’t get out as they would like to do and a visit, call or some other kind act really helps them.


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