Serving Hohenwald, Lewis County Tennessee Since 1898

One Day at a Time

Series: One day at a time | Story 69

Well it is a nice cool morning here in our little valley, the temperature is 55 degrees and it is almost too cool to sit on the front porch but I have a blanket and a cup of good hot coffee and of course the cats are wanting to snuggle up next to me. I think the cats like this cool weather almost as much as I do.

Fall is in the air this morning, but it is going to be a warm and dry week with the temperature forecasted up in the 90’s, but then they are calling for a cool down. The maple tree here in our backyard already has some pretty colored leaves on it and I can see other trees starting to change everywhere.

This has been a busy week for us and also our neighbors. I heard the old John Deere tractor and the old farm truck with a long trailer going down their driveway, they have been cutting and hauling hay this week. They are stacking those big round bales of hay down close to the creek, they have to make sure those cows have plenty to eat this winter.

Bobby has been washing the outside of some of the windows and pressure washing some of the siding, he also has been putting something he calls hardware cloth over our gutters to help keep the leaves out of them.

Bob is still doing his therapy, Trent Lewis told me that Bob is doing really good. Each time Trent and the girls at physical therapy encourage him I think Bob tries too work a little harder. He is now back to washing breakfast dishes, and he is getting outside more and spoiling the cats, they love it when he brings them treats and talks baby talk to them.

I canned a few more pears. Rick brought me a few more boxes of pears but he said this will probably be all of them for this year. Thank you Rick. Bob loves pears, he eats a bowl of pears ever evening.

The price of groceries are still going up every week. I have talked to some people and they are really keeping a close eye on their spending and what they buy. I think we can all do a little better when it comes to spending, we can take a little time and check the prices and save where we can. I think that is just being wise.

I know when we were growing up mama would write down what she needed and not buy anything else but what was on her list, she was a smart woman. One of her sayings was “waste not, want not” and another one was “don’t spend it if you don’t have to”, she was very wise.

It sure is a quiet morning here on the front porch. The squirrels are very busy carrying food up that old tree in the front yard and when we went down by the creek and saw all of those nuts on the ground down there, the squirrels down there were gathering up the nuts. The squirrels around here are getting big and fat. The old ground hog that lives at the creek is also getting big and fat, I have been putting my pear peels down there and it eats them up in a hurry.

I have to get busy, I have finished my coffee, the cats are still asleep, Bob has got the dishes washed and the kitchen cleaned up. I need to get my clothes hung on the line and I am going to can the last of the pears, I have a lot to do, like that old saying “a woman’s work is never done”, but I like being busy.

I am not going to worry about tomorrow and I am gong to take one day at a time because God has it all under control and he is the light at the end of the tunnel.

God bless


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