Serving Hohenwald, Lewis County Tennessee Since 1898

Three Man Welding Fabrication Competition

Tennessee College of Applied Technology held their Three Man Welding Fabrication Competition February 10, 2023. First place was awarded to Derrick Carroll's Three Man Team of Summertown Welding Instructional Service Center for accuracy in design. The team included Luke Chapman, Patrick Kerstieens and Kendrick Shrader. All three began as Dual Enrollment students in high school and continued as adult students using TN Promise to continue and finish their Welding Program of Study. Second place honors were awarded to TCAT Welding Evening Three Man Team made up of students, Payton Tripp, Adam Staggs and Brandon Galloway. "Both teams competed on an intense level," said a TCAT representative, "and both finished within the two hour time frame, which certainly shows their level of skills. Congratulations to both teams on finishing on time. When industry wants to hire welders, these six men are definitely prepared, showcasing design with all six welding styles!" Pictured, from left, are Lain Hinson, David Ashmore, Kelli Kea Carroll, Kedrick Shrader, Luke Chapman, Patrick Kerstiens, Danny Allen, and Derrick Carroll.


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