Serving Hohenwald, Lewis County Tennessee Since 1898

One Day at a Time

By “E.T. Trevathan, Contributing Writer

Series: One day at a time | Story 108

Well it is a nice cool morning here in our little valley. There is a cool breeze blowing, recently we had some really good rains and now the sky is blue and the trees and the grass are green and the air is fresh.

The cats are really enjoying this cooler weather, they ate their breakfast early this morning, they always want to eat more when the weather is cooler.

I am enjoying sitting on the front porch swing. The hummingbirds are busy at their feeders. A small deer is in the yard and it is enjoying eating the apples that have fallen off the old apple tree, a deer has come up every morning for the last few days, this deer does not seem to be afraid and it can see me sitting here on the front porch.

There is now plenty of water for the animals to drink, we walked down by the creek and there is water in the creek now after the rains. Maybe we will not have another long dry spell, but of course we still have some hot weather to go through, summertime is not over yet, but after August we can start looking forward to Fall.

The people that trim the trees from around the power lines have been working around here, across the road they have done a lot of work cutting off the tree limbs. Keeping the limbs cut back away from the power lines will help keep the power on when we get bad storms during the summertime and when we get heavy snow and ice during the wintertime.

Bob has got the breakfast dishes washed, dried and put away, and he has got the kitchen clean, except for the floors that is. This morning I made a big pan of brown biscuits for Bob and he had some homemade blueberry jam on his biscuits, I have to reward him every once in a while for doing such a good job cleaning up the kitchen after breakfast, most men do not know how to wash dishes and apparently they can not do floors.

The other day we were out running errands and getting groceries, the prices are still going up a little on things, but lately they do not seem to have gone up as much as they were, and there does not seem to be any shortages yet. We have been hearing a little talk about that by late Fall or Winter things may get worse, but you know I think that over the last few years most of us have learned a few things from all of the things that have been happening, most of us are being more careful with our spending. I know the things that we buy are just the things that we really need, and when we are out we try to get as much done as we can while we are out, so we do not have to make any extra trips.

While we out we also noticed there is a lot of corn and soybeans growing in the fields and that is good to see, and we have seen this year that more people have gardens, it is good to see people growing their own food and you know growing your own vegetables is a lot healthier for you. I also have been hearing that more people that are growing their own food have been trying to can it and put it up for later. I know any fresh vegetables taste better than any bought from the store. Thank all of ya’ll that have brought us fresh vegetables out of your gardens, Bob sure does love a slice or two of fresh ripe tomato on his bologna sandwiches.

I am not going to worry about tomorrow and I am going to take one day at a time because God still has it all under control and He is the light at the end of the tunnel.

God bless.


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