Serving Hohenwald, Lewis County Tennessee Since 1898

Lewis County School Board Meeting

Tuesday, August 8, 2023

The Lewis County Board of Education met in regular session on Tuesday, August 8, 2023, at 6:00 p.m. at the Lewis County Board of Education board meeting room located at 206 South Court Street, Hohenwald, Tn. With the exception of Cassie Couch and Phyllis Townsend, all board members present were Chair Lindsey Himes, Glenda Atkinson, Derek Cotham, Vice-Chair Paula Dyer, Jackie Holt, Cody Mitchell, and Sallie Pollock.

The invocation was given by Cody Mitchell. The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Mrs. Pollock

During public input, the members of the Lewis County Schools Clay Target Team were recognized for their successful year for the 2022-2023 season. The trap team presented each of the board members with a shirt from the National Championship tournament.


• Approved Previous minutes from July 11, 2023, board meeting

• Adopted agenda.

• Approved payroll and miscellaneous warrants

• Add-on to new business-Budget Amendments


Director’s Report

• Accepted the resignation of Brandi Smith, LCMS Math teacher, effective July 10, 2023.

• Accepted the resignation of Jennifer Baker, LCIS Paraprofessional, effective June 29, 2023.

• Accepted the resignation of Denise Staggs, Pre-K director, effective July 31, 2023.

• Accepted the resignation of Jade Tiller, LCIS Paraprofessional, effective July 13, 2023.

• Accepted the resignation of Nicole Renee Dalton, LCES teacher, effective July 14, 2023.

• Accepted the resignation of Mary Boyd, LCES Paraprofessional, effective May 19, 2023.

• Erika Himes, LCHS Nurse, rescinded her job offer.

• Accepted the resignation of Tiffany Boyd, LCES Spec. Ed. Pre-k, paraprofessional, effective July 28, 2023.

• Transferred Misty Fite, LCES 1st grade teacher, to LCMS 8th grade ELA teacher.

• Transferred Lori Cogdill, LCES 2nd grade teacher, to Early Literary Team teacher.

• Transferred Caitlyn Pollock, LCES Kindergarten teacher, to 2nd grade teacher effective August 2, 2023.

• Employed Joe Gray, LCHS Math teacher, effective August 2, 2023.

• Employed Penelope Sevier, LCHS Social Studies, effective August 2, 2023.

• Employed Joseph Yarbrough, Alternative School teacher, effective August 2, 2023.

• Employed Macy Lomax, LCES 1st grade teacher, effective August 2, 2023.

• Employed Dustin Whitwell, LCMS Math teacher, effective August 2, 2023.

• Employed Blake Farr, LCHS Guidance Secretary, effective August 2, 2023.

• Employed Heather Hinson, LCES 2nd grade teacher, effective August 2, 2023.

• Employed Emily Osborne, Full-time cafeteria, effective August 2, 2023.

• Employed Danielle Reeves, Full-time cafeteria, effective August 2, 2023.

• Employed Misty Schneider, Full-time cafeteria, effective August 2, 2023.

• Employed Regina Pac, Full-time cafeteria, effective August 2, 2023.

• Alison Stanley, LCHS Family & Consumer Science teacher, rescinded her job offer.

Director McAbee stated that he had several shoutouts to people that he would like to recognize. He said he wanted to thank Lomax Church of Christ for the gifts that they brought for all teachers and support staff, Amanda Pennington and Tara Tiller for the Professional Development for the teachers Lateria Owen, Behavioral Specialist, everyone involved with the opening ceremonies and parents and employees be patient in the pickup line traffic.

Dr. McAbee that the air conditioners have been set at the high school gym and should be working in a couple of weeks.

Director McAbee stated that all board members are invited to attend the new high school bid opening at Brad Martin’s office on August 31, 2023.

Dr. McAbee stated that he was glad to announce that the online payment for school lunches is now up and working.

Director McAbee asks Stacy Smith to give an update on the Volunteer State Virtual Academy. Ms. Smith stated that they currently have 616 students enrolled and have over 1000 students in the process of being accepted. Dr. McAbee stated that with the growth of this program that she would probably need another secretary.

Dr. McAbee reminded board members that out of the 40 million safety grant that Lewis County only received $65,000. He stated that he and Mr. Trull have been working on priorities for the grant money. Mr. Trull explained that the priority will be installing the film on the exterior doors of the schools that delay bullet entrance. Ms. Pollock suggested maybe having a fundraiser to help with the cost of installing the film on windows also. Dr. McAbee stated that he had no objection to fundraising for this project. Chair Himes reminded board members that Nick Weems, Perry County Sheriff, had reached out to their community for help with safety measures in their schools and the community came through. Mr. Mitchell mentioned that their county government also helped in these funding sources. Mr. Cotham suggested purchasing metal doors for all of the exterior doors to the schools. Dr. McAbee stated that could be a project that might be done. His concern was he did not want the schools to look like a jail or prison from the outside.

Director McAbee informed board members that lightning hit the intercom systems in elementary and intermediate schools. This was for the old intercom system. He stated that the wires for the new intercom system were still hanging from the ceilings. He stated that Justin Hildenbrandt informed him that the crew that came into the schools to install the new intercom system had all quit. He stated that we are waiting for a new crew to come in and complete the work.


There was no unfinished business to discuss.


Upon motion by Mr. Mitchell and seconded by Mrs. Pollock, item a) under new business was unanimously approved.

• Approve sport coaches.

• Shannon Denton, LCMS Head Soccer Coach for the 2023-2024 school year.

• Dustian Whitwell, LCMS Assistant Football Coach for the 2023-2024 school year.

• Shane Baker, LCMS Assistant Baseball Coach for the 2023-2024 school year.

• Courtney Ankrapp, LCHS girls’ softball coach, for the 2023-2024 school year.

Upon motion by Mrs. Atkinson and seconded by Mrs. Dyer, item b) under new business was unanimously approved.

• Approve board policy 6.3072- Drug Testing for Student Athletes

Upon motion by Mr. Mitchell and seconded by Mrs. Dyer, item c) under new business was unanimously approved.

• Budget Amendment


Mrs. Dyer informed board members that she had received thank-you cards from Donna James and Amy Banks for the gifts that they received during the loss of their mothers.

Dr. McAbee stated that Angela Leigh had shared information about the progress of Wanda Holloway. He said that Wanda was feeling somewhat better and was going to the doctor tomorrow to see what her treatment plan will be.

Chair Himes stated that the next regular scheduled meeting will be September 19, 2023, and that there will be a workshop prior to the meeting at 5:30 p.m.

Chair Himes stated that the October regular schedule will need to be changed because of the date falling during fall break. After a brief discussion amongst the board members, it was decided to move the meeting to October17th, 2023.

Chair Himes asked if there was any other discussion or announcements. Billy Dyer informed members that LCHS graduate Ty Twist was now at home in Texas and is doing better and will start his chemotherapy treatments.

Mickey Carroll from the LCMS Soccer team boosters informed the board members that they now have officially established a booster club. He stated that Christine Gomez is the secretary, and she has started a Facebook page for them and is listed under Lewis County Middle School Soccer Team Booster club. He said that they will meet again in a month and will be discussing fundraisers and that she will be sending out information about the fundraising campaign.


Upon motion by Mr. Mitchell and seconded by Mrs. Dyer, the meeting was adjourned at 6:45 p.m.


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