Serving Hohenwald, Lewis County Tennessee Since 1898

Educator of the Week

Kelly Hinson, LCHS

Series: Educator Of The Week | Story 2

Q.) How many years have you been in the education profession? What made you gravitate towards it?

A.) This is my 23rd year. I actually thought I would only teach a year because Kevin's dad had just passed away and I quit my job to care for him. This came open and my thoughts were that I'd stay a year until I was "ready to go back to seeing sick people" then I literally fell in love with this job. The kids are the reason I am still here. What is the most gratifying part of my job is 2 things... Getting to be a part of the lives of my students and getting to see them become amazing health care workers as a result of what we do here and their post secondary education.

Q.) What is the most rewarding part of your job as an educator? Can you tell me a little about how being an educator has influenced you or what it has taught you over the years?

A.) What I have gained is a VERY LARGE extended family. Because I see my students as just that. My extended family. Along with my coworkers. I have learned a lot of patience, I've learned that when a student is struggling there is usually a reason. It is generally not because they want to be a problem. It's usually more that there IS a problem. My students have taught me over the years that THEY can rise to your expectations. Where before I bought into the belief that "kids these days don't have goals, or expectations of themselves" - they absolutely do!

Q.) What is your goal as a teacher at LCHS this year?

A.) My goal this year as a teacher is to take it up a notch with my students by really concentrating on soft skills that our industry partners are telling us they want to see more of. This will make our students more marketable, therefore finding them a fair shot out in the real world. And honestly just loving them. That's the best part of it all is that I get to do that every single day at work and I get paid to do it! Our kids are IMPORTANT!

Q.) A huge part of making a school function well is teamwork. Can you tell me a little about the team and staff working with you at LCHS and how they make Lewis County a great place to learn?

A.) Teamwork is vital here at LCHS because with all of us working toward a common goal we produce better citizens for Lewis County and beyond. It truly does "take a village". We really do have some of the most caring adults here at LCHS that would fight for our kids and their futures. We have the "dream team" administration this year and for that I really am so very thankful.


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