Serving Hohenwald, Lewis County Tennessee Since 1898

One day at a time

By “E.T. Trevathan, Contributing Writer

Series: One day at a time | Story 120

Well it is a beautiful Fall morning here in our little valley, the sun is shining and the birds are singing. The trees are getting more and more Fall colors to them and they are getting prettier every day. I took my hot coffee and blanket and went out to the porch but it was a little too cool, so I came back inside.

The cats were really hungry this morning, they have now ate and they are laying curled up in the warm sunshine.

Everything is quiet and peaceful, but there is a lot of trouble outside of our quiet and peaceful little valley, but you know there is only one thing that I can do about most of it and that is to pray. We all need to look around us and be thankful and realize how blessed we really are, I know we all have some kind of problems and that is part of life here on this Earth.

When I sit down and make a list of all the good and bad things in my life, there is a lot more good things than bad, so I try to think more about the good things and it makes me feel a lot better. I am going to pray for the others that I can not help and I am not going to worry about tomorrow because it is in the Lord’s hands.

It has been a busy week, and a good week. The people at the October Fest had some good weather. We have got a lot done this week, we did some Fall cleaning and took some Spring and Summer things and put them in storage until next year, you all know me I am getting ready for the holidays, Bob helped me do some cleaning and Bobby trimmed up some bushes and did some mowing and got our back porch ready to stack our Winter’s firewood on it and he got all the hummingbird feeders took down, cleaned and put away until next spring. There is still a lot to do, but now we do not have as much to do as we did, some things might not get done right now but we are getting the most important things done, Bobby says there is always things that need to be done.

These nice warm Fall days are so nice, we like to be outside on these Fall days when it is not too hot or too cold. We can do all the work on the inside once it turns cold, on these days when the weather is trying to change from the heat of Summer to cold of Winter are the days to enjoy being outside, of course there are always the normal everyday things that have to be done on the inside such as the laundry and cooking dinner but at least we can open the windows and enjoy not have the air conditioner running.

I am not going to worry about tomorrow and I am going to take one day at a time because God still has it all under control and He is the light at the end of the tunnel.

God bless,

Evelyn “E.T.” Trevathan


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