Serving Hohenwald, Lewis County Tennessee Since 1898
by Evelyn 'E.T.' Trevathan
Well it is a cool morning here in our little valley, it has not been real bad cold yet this winter, but I think next week a front is suppose to come through and then it is going to turn colder, hopefully by Christmas day it will really feel like winter.
The cats were already up this morning and here for their breakfast, but they do not like these colder days, they ate in a hurry and went back to their beds.
I have got my Christmas tree lights on and my Christmas music playing and I have got a cup of hot coffee, it sure is a nice morning.
We do not need much heat this morning, but soon we will need to get the old wood heating stove going and it will keep the house nice and warm.
I have been getting my Christmas cards ready to send out, stamps are getting so expensive that this year I am going to give some of the cards out myself but of course I will have to mail the ones that live far away. I am already getting some Christmas cards, thank all of you for the pretty cards and sweet thoughts.
I hope all of you are getting excited about Christmas. I know a lot of people get sad this time of year, lets lift them up in our prayers and help them where we can.
There are so many little things that we can do that will mean a lot. I have got some little gift containers and I am making up some candy and cookies and giving them as little gifts.
We are all so blessed and we do not realize how many other people are in need, and just a little help and kindness to them will go along way.
Yesterday we were out running errands and trying to do a little shopping, we seen a lot of people out and shopping but most of the carts were not very full and we heard a lot of people saying that they were cutting back this year, I know we have been trying to cut back everywhere we can. It seems like most people are just trying to get the basic things and not wanting to get anything extra.
Lets all try to look forward to this special time of year and enjoy spending time with family and friends, and spread holiday cheer everywhere we go and help each other where we can. It is not about the presents, it is about celebrating this special birthday with love, we have already been given the greatest gift of all.
I am also looking forward to a new year, and hoping that 2024 will be a safe and happy and better year. I am planning on having a busy and productive year, I am going to try to get a lot of things done and be more prepared and ready for what may come in 2024.
Thank all of you for the kind cards and words of encouragements about my little story in the Herald each week, it is just some of my ramblings from our little valley out here in the country. I am glad you enjoy it.
Bob has finished washing the breakfast dishes and he has got his coffee, the cats are snuggled down and are napping, I am enjoying the last of my coffee but soon I will have to get busy, did you know it is only 11 days until Christmas?
I am not going to worry about tomorrow and I am going to take one day at a time because God still has it all under control and He is the light at the end of the tunnel.
God bless,
Evelyn “E.T.” Trevathan
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