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The Art of Hospitality: Creating a Warm and Welcoming Home for Holiday Guests

Series: Life as Art | Story 22

There are many quotes about entertaining guests for more than a few days, warning that if you make it too comfortable for them, they will not want to leave. Benjamin Franklin famously quipped that a house guest is like a fish: Each begins to stink after three days. This may seem a bit harsh, especially since the holiday season is a time of joy, celebration, and, for many, the gathering of family and friends. As a host, adopting an approach that treats guests as if your home were a comfortable bed and breakfast can create a memorable experience. Here are some key tips that may be helpful when hosting family and friends during this special time of the year.

Prepare a Comfortable Space: One of the first steps in being a good host is to provide a comfortable and inviting space for your guests. Ensure their accommodations are clean, well-organized, and equipped with essentials such as fresh linens, towels, and toiletries. Adding empty hangers in the closet for clothing and an empty drawer in the bathroom is a nice touch. Robes and slippers, favorite soaps, shampoo/conditioner in the bathroom just for them can make it feel like a home away from home.

Communication is Key: Keep an open line of communication with your guests before their arrival. Inquire about any special needs or preferences they may have, such as dietary restrictions or sleeping arrangements. Knowing your guests’ preferences beforehand allows you to tailor their experience and make them feel genuinely cared for. Create an outline of the week’s menu for longer stays and ensure the fridge is stocked with their favorite drinks and snacks.

Plan Thoughtful Activities: While the holidays often come with a natural set of activities, consider planning some special moments for your guests. Whether it’s a movie night, making cookies together, a board game marathon, going to see the holiday lights, or a special dinner reservation, thoughtful activities create lasting memories and strengthen the bonds with your loved ones.

Respect Personal Space: Even during the most joyous time of the year, everyone needs a bit of personal space. Be mindful of your guests’ need for privacy and downtime. Ensure they have moments to unwind and recharge so that they can fully enjoy the holiday festivities.

Be Flexible and Understanding: The holidays can be a hectic time, and plans may not always go as expected. Be flexible and understanding if unforeseen circumstances arise. Remain calm and adaptable, (even when touchy family history, politics and religious topics arise) ensuring that the focus remains on the joy of being together rather than on any minor hiccups. If family has small children, make sure your home is safe for them and have toys available aside from just the presents under the tree.

In essence, hosting during the holidays is about creating an atmosphere of warmth, comfort, and connection. It’s less about your own needs and more about your guests. By paying attention to the small details and showing genuine care for your guests, you can contribute to a memorable and joyful holiday experience for everyone involved!


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