Serving Hohenwald, Lewis County Tennessee Since 1898


with Veronica Tilden, DO


Are you living in accordance with the natural laws for a human? If not, your health will suffer.

Last time you learned about some of the consequences of poor nutrition. If you do not eat the foods that your body needs to function properly, infections and chronic disease are the result. As you have discovered, your doctor does not have a magic pill to help you. It is up to you to make better choices.


There are 10 basic principles of nutrition that are based on the observation of healthy groups of people from around the world. One of the most important researchers who contributed to this knowledge was Weston Price, DDS. He found similar results as Dr. Pottenger had with cats. When nutrient poor processed foods were added to the diet, people had rampant tooth decay. The next generation of children had crowded teeth and narrow faces, narrow pelvis and difficult childbirth, more infectious illness, modern chronic diseases, and antisocial traits.

Since prehistoric times, what has been the diet of humans? It has been meat and fat from animals that were hunted and killed. Also, fruit, tubers, vegetables, grains, and honey that were gathered from the wild. This is the diet that our digestion is designed for. Humans are omnivores, getting food from a variety of sources.

PRINCIPLE 1: No refined or processed foods

The foods to avoid include vegetable oils, sugar, white flour, canned foods, pasteurized, homogenized, skim or low-fat milk, protein powders, synthetic vitamins, genetically modified foods, and any food ingredients that you do not recognize as edible.

Why are processed foods bad?

They do not contain adequate nutrients and they are toxic to our bodies. Today people are getting only 29% of their calories from whole foods. 32% of calories are coming from vegetable oils, perhaps the most toxic processed food of all. Sugar and refined wheat make up the remaining 39%. This is a recipe for disaster, as the current poor state of health for most people clearly shows. Today, make a hearty beef stew to eat instead of a peanut butter sandwich. Next time we will discuss Principle 2, to eat foods that contain high amounts of the nutrients your body needs.

Dr. Veronica Tilden is a doctor of osteopathy. Osteopaths are fully licensed physicians, and additionally they learn how to diagnose and treat using their hands. She has helped people regain vibrant health with a holistic approach since 1997, using traditional hands-on osteopathy and lifestyle counseling. (931) 295-3115 or


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