Serving Hohenwald, Lewis County Tennessee Since 1898

One Day at a Time

Series: One day at a time | Story 141

Well it is a nice cool morning here in our little valley. Last night we heard rumbles of thunder and got a shower of rain. This morning everything is wet, but the grass is green and the flowers are blooming, everything liked the rain.

The cats were up early this morning for their breakfast. They sure like this nice warmer weather, after they eat breakfast they find themselves a cool spot, usually on the porch and take naps for most of the day, unless they see us outside then they want us to pet them or go for a walk with them.

This has been another busy week for us. We have got some yard work done. We did some cleaning and de-cluttering in the house. I got some cabinets cleaned out and organized. I got some of my empty canning jars ready to be filled back up.

I hope everybody is working in their gardens or getting them ready. I know several people already have a lot of things planted, like green onions. That was one of the first thing we used to get out of the garden was green onions.

We would have green onions, radishes and lettuce, and we would pour a little bacon grease over them, there was nothing better. Some of you probably know what I am talking about.

Then next out of the garden before long we would get some potatoes and English peas, we cooked them together, now that was some good eating.

Eating vegetables from the garden helps keep you in good health. Bob and me are both in good health and we are in our eighties and we still do not take a lot of medicine, thank the Good Lord.

Today for lunch we are having a pot of pinto beans, fried cornbread, some stewed potatoes, slaw and sweet iced tea. Now that sounds good, we eat at 12 Drano!

This week I worked in my little quilt house and got my thread organized and some of my quilt patterns. I do have a couple of quilts ready to quilt but they will have to wait until Fall and I am looking forward to that.

During the Spring and Summer I have to think about canning and freezing things. We do not have a garden but friends and family bring us vegetables. We always had a big garden as long as we were able too.

I think strawberries are coming in now, but they say that they are very expensive. I have some in the freezer from last year, I will probably make a couple of jars of preserves. Bob likes that on his biscuits for breakfast.

I am on the front porch and Bob has just finished the breakfast dishes and brought his coffee out here and we are enjoying the rocking chairs. The birds are busy in the yard and there are a lot of cows out in the neighbor’s pasture.

We sure enjoy our porch in the Spring and summertime, there are plenty of comfortable places to sit but the swing or rocking chair is the best. We have a lot of shade in our yard and most of the time there is a cool breeze blowing.

We sure enjoyed our birthdays, thank all of you for the cards and calls, that was so sweet of you all.

I have got to get busy, the sun is shining and like the old saying I need to make hay while the sun shines. I need to get clothes hung out on the line and I have to get lunch started.

I am not going to worry about tomorrow and I am going to take one day at a time because God still has it all under control and He is the light at the end of the tunnel.

God bless,

Evelyn “E.T.” Trevathan


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