Serving Hohenwald, Lewis County Tennessee Since 1898

One Day at a Time

Well is a cool morning here in our little valley, it was 46 degrees early this morning. Now the sun is shining and it is warming back up fast.

The cats were hungry this morning and all three of them were up and waiting on their breakfast.

The birds are now singing and some are busy at the bird feeders. Bobby keeps the feeders full and the birds sure do enjoy them and we sure enjoy watching the birds, you would be amazed at all the different kinds of birds in our backyard.

It has been a very busy and rough week. We sure have had some very unusual weather. The storms were real bad and a lot of people lost a lot, so sorry for the ones that lost loved ones.

It got bad here but we do not have any damage that can not be fixed. I have never seen so much big hail at one time, it was piled up and the ground was white.

The temperature dropped from 85 to 63 degrees, and afterwards there was so much fog or steam from the melting hail that you could not see the road in front of the house.

There was no trees downed here and we did not have any power or phone outages from that storm. Thank the Lord, we were doing a lot of praying. It could have been a lot worse.

We did lose almost all of our apples off the old apple tree in the yard. We lost a lot of blueberries off the bushes, almost half I would say. We lost most of the pears and peaches, pretty much what the last few frost did not get then the hail did.

I do not know what is going on, some of the strangest things are taking place, then over the weekend we saw all the lights in the sky from the geomagnetic storm, that was so amazing. Our Internet went out a little bit and other people have said that their cell phones have been not working right.

This May is also when all these 13 year cicadas come out of the ground from eggs that were laid back in 2011. Some friends of ours in Kentucky say that the cicadas are eating all the leaves off the their trees.

They say the last time two types of cicadas came out at the same time was back in 1803 and they say it will not happen again for another 221 years. We have already heard some of them buzzing when we had to go to Columbia the other day.

Bobby has been busy cleaning up all the knocked off leaves and branches from the trees during the storm and fixing everything else back. He said it felted like it was Fall instead of Spring when he was having to rake up and haul leaves off the yard.

Thank you Dr. Kamal and all the sweet nurses that took care of Bob last week when he got sick, he is so much better. We love all of you.

Bob is back to washing the breakfast dishes, he is now done this morning and we are taking our coffee and getting to sit out on the front porch for a while and enjoy the warm sunshine, and the cats are all stretched out and enjoying this beautiful morning too.

I am not going to worry about tomorrow and I am going to take one day at a time because God still has it all under control and He is the light at the end of the tunnel.

God bless,

Evelyn “E.T.” Trevathan


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