Serving Hohenwald, Lewis County Tennessee Since 1898

Person Of The Week: Laura Gisela Aldayturriaga

Series: Person of the Week | Story 44

Q.) Can you tell me a little bit about yourself?

A.) My name is Laura Aldayturriaga, and I am 38 years old. I am married to Miguel Ramos, and we have two children, Miguel Jr. and Diego. Originally from Mexico City, my parents moved our family to the United States in 1997. We lived in three states: Kentucky, Illinois, and finally settled in Tennessee in 1999.

I graduated from Clarksburg High School in Clarksburg, TN in 2004, and then attended Bethel University in McKenzie, TN, where I graduated in 2008 with a degree in Business Administration, emphasizing Computer Information Systems and minoring in Spanish. After graduation, I helped my parents with their business in Parsons, TN.

In 2010, I married Miguel Ramos, and we had our first son, Miguel Jr. Seeking a career change, I applied for a teaching position and began working as a Spanish teacher at Lewis County High School in 2011, thanks to Mr. Trull. I loved teaching Spanish for nine years. However, always eager for new challenges, I pursued a Master's Degree in Educational Leadership from MTSU and became an Assistant Principal at LCHS, serving the school and our community.

In 2022, I transitioned to being a full-time mom and currently assist my husband with his business, Casa Grande.

Q.) Where did you grow up?

A.) I grew up in Mexico City.

Q.) What is one of your fondest childhood memories?

A.) My grandparents were incredible people. My grandma Maria was an amazing cook; I wish I had been older so I could have learned from her. My grandfather Antonio was the sweetest man. He picked me up from school every day while my parents worked, and every Wednesday, we would take a trip to the market for fruits and vegetables for the week. I cherished those moments with him.

Q.) What did you want to be as a kid? What did you actually become?

A.) I always dreamed of being a teacher. I eventually pursued this dream after making several career changes.

Q.) Who was/is your biggest role model?

A.) Mother Teresa for her commitment to serving and bringing hope.

Q.) What are some of your favorite hobbies/ how do you like to spend your free time?

A.) I love to travel and learn about different cultures. In my free time, I enjoy spending time with my family because it's hard to get everyone together.

Q.) If you could go anywhere, in or out of the states, where would it be? Why?

A.) I would love to visit the Maldives to experience the beauty of its underwater world.

Q.) What is "your" song?

A.) Imagine by John Lennon,

Q.) What is one of your favorite things about living in Hohenwald?

A.) I love our community for its togetherness and willingness to help others. I also appreciate the beauty of the Natchez Trace, where we can drive a few miles and relax by a waterfall.

Q.) What is your favorite time of year? Why?

A.) I love fall for its festive holiday activities, wonderful meals and tasty treats, costumes, and the rich colors that accompany the celebrations.

Q.) What do you enjoy most about your job?

A.) I enjoy planning, leading a team and being involved with our community.

Q.) Do you have a nickname?

A.) Mrs. A for everyone in Hohenwald, but my parents and family members call me "flaca"

Q.) If you could spend one day as a TV character, who would it be?

A.) Superwomen

Q.) Is there any life advice you could give to our readers?

Live every day as if it were your last.


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