Serving Hohenwald, Lewis County Tennessee Since 1898

One Day at a Time

Series: One day at a time | Story 142

Well it is a cool and cloudy morning here in our little valley. A light rain is falling and it is a little too damp to sit on the front porch.

Even with the rain the cats were up and waiting on breakfast, but now that they have finished they have snuggled back down for a nap until the rain is over.

Bob has finished washing the breakfast dishes and he is now enjoying his coffee.

We sure have been having some unusual weather lately, lots of rain and a lot of hail. I can not ever remember times being like this, but everything is changing and I guess so is the weather.

I was thinking here it is almost the middle of the year already and it will be Fall before we know it.

We have had a busy Spring, we have not got everything done that we wanted to do, but I think we have done something every day.

I still have enjoyed each day even the days when I do not get all my work done.

The days just seem to go by so fast and they are getting quicker all the time, Bobby says better get done what you can when you can.

Bob is dong a lot better. Thank you Dr. Kamal and all of you that took good care of him recently while he was a little under the weather.

Bob also likes going to physical therapy, everybody there spoils him also.

It is so nice to have such talented and caring people here locally and they always take such good care of us.

When you have to drive a long ways to get things done it adds a lot of stress and takes a lot of extra time.

We recently had a special family get together, thanks to my nephew Jerry for getting it all put together.

It was the first one we have had in a long time, the last one was way too long ago.

It was so nice, we had a big cookout at my sister house and got to see everybody.

Jerry did all the grilling and he even cooked a big pot of beans in a cast iron pot over an open fire.

We saw some of the youngest family members at just a month old up to some of the oldest in their late eighties.

Everybody enjoyed it so much, never put off seeing family and friends until it is too late.

I guess all this rain and hail has really done a lot of damage to everybody’s crops and property.

We needed some rain but we do not need it to rain all the time, it rains almost every day it seems some times, and we sure did not want any of that hail.

The hail did a lot of damage to people’s vehicles and property, I know it did ours but it could have been a lot worse.

Everything that was damaged can be fixed and the trees and bushes will come back out next year.

I think the wait time is up to several months to get some vehicles fixed, all the repair shops are covered up.

The birds sure have been busy this morning and we have seen a few hummingbirds at their feeders.

So far we have not heard many cicadas but several people have said they are really bad where they live.

Some people say that the cicadas are so loud that it hurts their ears and the cicadas are eating all their trees and bushes.

Our daughter Linda lives in Columbia and she says they are bad where they live.

I have got a busy day planned ahead of me, if the sun shines out I have got a lot of things outside that needs to be done, but if it rains then I have got enough things inside to stay busy.

I am not going to worry about tomorrow and I am going to take one day at a time because God still has it all under control and He is the light at the end of the tunnel.

God bless,

Evelyn “E.T.” Trevathan


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