Serving Hohenwald, Lewis County Tennessee Since 1898



Have you given up your toxic plastic water bottles yet? Another very effective action is to use unscented laundry detergent and avoid the dryer sheets. Laundry perfume is not very attractive and is definitely toxic.

The second big toxin category is man-made electromagnetic fields (EMFs). There are four main types.

Electric fields exposure comes from your house wiring, smart meter, electric blanket and corded appliances.

Magnetic fields are present with power lines, wiring errors in your house, electric clocks, and motors (think refrigerator).

Radio Frequency (RF) exposure come from cellphones, cordless phones, smart meters, smart devices, WiFi, and Bluetooth.

Dirty Electricity is present in dimmer switches, power inverters, motors, and wireless devices.

This is a very complex subject that I am simplifying. As you can see, many common devices emit more than one of these fields. They are invisible, penetrate practically everything, and have health effects on everyone. They oscillate your cells and damage your tissues, and the effects are cumulative. People think they do not feel these fields, but common symptoms that may be due to EMF exposure include fatigue, cough and other respiratory symptoms, muscle cramps, joint pain, headaches, mental confusion, diarrhea, heart arrhythmias, fevers, miscarriage, lowered sperm counts, birth defects, and more.

What can you do? Use a landline phone, remove all electronics from your bedroom, avoid all smart devices, use an ethernet cable and hardwire your computer, keyboard, mouse and printer and turn off WiFi (you can even hardwire your smart phone!), ask your utility company to remove your smart meter (or put it as far from your house as possible if they won’t as is currently the case in Lewis County), and eliminate all dimmer switches. Whew, that’s a long list. Read it again, and take notes.

Use your cell phone with great caution and have respect for it’s harmful effects on you. This is probably your greatest exposure to these harmful fields. Forward calls to your landline whenever possible, keep it on airplane mode as much as possible, and avoid carrying it directly on your body. Never put a cell phone to your head, but use the speaker, an air tube headset (it works like a stethoscope), or text. Avoid using it in a vehicle, as exposures are higher due to the metal and your location constantly moving. Never, ever sleep with it on and near you. And whenever possible use it when it has a full signal, as radiation exposure is much higher with a poor signal as the phone is working harder to connect.

These convenient technologies come with a high cost to your health if you do not use them properly.

Dr. Veronica Tilden is a doctor of osteopathy. Osteopaths are fully licensed physicians, and additionally they learn how to diagnose and treat using their hands. She has helped people regain vibrant health with a holistic approach since 1997, using traditional hands-on osteopathy and lifestyle counseling. (931) 295-3115 or


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