Serving Hohenwald, Lewis County Tennessee Since 1898

Lewis County Board of Education Meeting

The Lewis County Board of Education met in regular session on Thursday, May 9, 2024 at 6:00 p.m. at the Lewis County Board of Education board meeting room located at 206 South Court Street, Hohenwald, Tn. Board members present were Board Chair Lindsey Himes, Vice Chair Paula Dyer, Matthew Adkins, Glenda Atkinson, Derek Cotham, Cassie Couch, Jackie Holt, Cody Mitchell, and Sallie Pollock. Prior to the regular scheduled meeting there was a workshop held at 5:30 p.m. During the workshop there were several people in attendance and (4) concerned citizens that addressed the board with the recent personnel decision. Updates on the construction of the new high school were given during the workshop as well.

The invocation was given by Mr. Mitchell. The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Mr. Adkins.

Student high school advisory board committee member Ryder Ward addressed the board on behalf of the high school students. He stated that he really did want to thank the board for giving the students a chance to present their voices during the board meetings. He said that he would like to give a big shout out to LCHS teacher Christina Franks for all that she has done this week for teacher appreciation week. Mrs. Dyer recognized the Seniors this year Mary Halfacre and Cole Spann. She stated that she had talked with the other members of the student advisory board, and they indicated that they will be returning to the board meetings next school year.

Consent agenda:

•Approval of Consent Agenda

•Approved previous minutes from the April 11, 2024, regular scheduled meeting.

•Adopted agenda.

•Approved payroll and miscellaneous warrants.

Upon motion by Mr. Mitchell and seconded by Mrs. Pollock, the consent agenda was unanimously approved.

Regular agenda:

Director’s Report

•Accepted the resignation of Jessica Carroll, LCHS Cafeteria worker, effective April 24, 2024.

•Accepted leave of absence for Samantha Johnson Webb effective August 1, 2024.

Director McAbee informed the board that Lewis County School’s ready graduation rate was exceedingly high with a rate of 84%. We have 120 students who have already received Industrial credentials. There are 40 students in the Panther Club at the intermediate school that have all A’s for the year. In the Middle School we have new classes consisting of art, stem and agriculture that are being offered to our students. Meagan Pierce was recently selected as the Pilot Club teacher of the year.

Dr. McAbee asked Lee Riley, TCAT personnel, to update the board on the progress of Lewis County High School students with the TCAT school. Dr. McAbee stated that Mr. Riley has done an excellent job of working on the relationship between the high school students and TCAT. Mr. Riley explained that there are 23 programs offered at TCAT and out of the 23 programs offered 19 of these programs offer dual enrollment. He explained that there are approximately 1400 students in the spring semester that are enrolled in dual enrollment. He stated that not only can Lewis County High School students come across the street and take classes or some classes are being offered in the high school now. There are 5 classes in the high school that dual enroll with TCAT. He further explained that at the recent signing date there were 144 students and 28 of these students were from Lewis County. He stated that there has been a great increase in dual enrollment in the last two years. Lewis County has seen 104% increase in dual enrollment with TCAT over the past couple of years. He stated that 9th and 10th grade students can now enroll in their programs. He stated that he currently works with 15 different schools for the TCAT center. He stated that there will be 11 students from Lewis County High School that will be receiving books scholarships at the awards program on May 14, 2024. Mr. Riley stated that he would like to thank Dr. McAbee for allowing these programs being offered to our students.

Unfinished Business: There was no unfinished business to discuss.

New Business:

• Authorize the Executive Committee to make such expenditures for the 2024-2025 fiscal year as in their opinions may be necessary to further the educational programs. These expenditures shall include, but not be limited to, learning and instructional materials, other expenses for instruction, plant operation costs, supplies for maintenance and operation, expenses for school lunch program, travel expenses, capital outlay transportation expenses, and fixed charges. It is agreed and understood that such expenditures shall be reported at subsequent meetings of the Lewis County Board of Education throughout the 2024-2025 school year.

Upon motion by Mrs. Pollock and seconded by Mr. Mitchell, item (1) under new business was unanimously approved.

• Authorize the Director of Schools to prepare, sign, submit, implement programs, projects, and budgets under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Improvement Act (IDEIA) Part B P.L. 108-446 as amended; Preschool P.L. 99-457-§619 as amended; Tennessee Code Annotated §49-10-302; Workforce Investment Act (WIA; Carl D. Perkins-4Vocational Act P.L. 98-524; LEAPs; ESSA/Elementary Secondary Education Act, (ESEA), P.L. 107-110; Consolidated Application Plan and future and other federal, state, and federal legislation for the 2024-2025 school year.

Upon motion by Mrs. Atkinson and seconded by Ms. Couch, item (2) under new business was unanimously approved.

• Approve submission to the Department of Education of the Career Technical and Title Plans and/or Reports.

Ms. Trina Weaks informed the board that the 2024-2025 Career Technical plan has been submitted and that it will be the end of July or first of August before she will hear from that submission.

Dr. Taylor gave an update on Title funding. He stated that the Lewis County School’s lost title 5 funding because according to the most recent census, Lewis County fell below the 20% poverty rate. The threshold for title 5 funding is 20%. He stated that he has submitted forms to the state for further title funding.

Upon motion by Mr. Mitchell and seconded by Mrs. Dyer, item (3) under new business was unanimously approved.

• Approve out of state travel for HOSA students for the leadership conference in Houston, Texas on June 28-June 30, 2024. Students will be flying to Houston, Texas via United Airlines.

Upon motion by Mrs. Dyer and seconded by Mr. Adkins, item (4) under new business was unanimously approved.

• Approve out of state travel for FBLA student for the National Leadership Conference in Orlando, Florida on June 28-July 3, 2024. Students will be flying to Orlando, Florida via Southwest Airlines.

Upon motion by Mr. Adkins and seconded by Mrs. Pollock, item (5) under new business was unanimously approved.

• Approve Ashlyn Brewer as LCMS basketball cheerleading coach effective May 10, 2024.

Item number (6) required no vote from the board. This would fall under the directors’ report.

• Discussion/action 2024 Summer School Plan

Ms. McKissack explained to the board that the upcoming summer school plan was included in their packets. Among the items she discussed were courses offered, transportation, class size ratios, budget, school nutrition needs, staffing and enrollment criteria.

Upon motion by Mr. Mitchell and seconded by Mrs. Dyer, item (7) under new business was unanimously approved.

• Amend board policy 6.317-Student Disciplinary Hearing Authority.

Upon motion by Mrs. Atkinson and seconded by Mrs. Pollock, item (8) under new business was unanimously approved.

• Approve 5-year strategic plan.

Upon motion by Ms. Couch and seconded by Mr. Mitchell, item (9) under new business was unanimously approved.

• Approve 24-25 school year budget.

Dr. McAbee stated that each board member had a copy of the budget in their packet. He explained the revenues and expenditures. Dr. McAbee told the board members that it was at their discretion if they needed further time to go over this budget or they could vote on it tonight. He stated that this budget does include raises with a $3000 raise for teachers. He stated that the board had shown concern for the pay of the support staff. He stated that he has added a $2500 increase for support staff in this budget. Director McAbee did discuss the salary of bus drivers. He stated that this would bring them up to $90 per day. Mr. Adkins stated that at the board retreat it was discussed bringing the pay up to $100 per day for bus drivers. Dr. McAbee stated that he thought that the goal was to get them up to $15 per hour and he has done that in this budget. He stated that he could go back and look at the budget to make sure that the bus drivers received $100 per day if it is the wish of the board. He stated that he would get with Ms. Spitzer to work on the budget to include the $100 per day for bus drivers. He also explained about the increase in pay for paraprofessionals if they take additional training to become a lead paraprofessional. There was discussion of longevity pay also for support staff. After much discussion, the board members decided to go ahead and vote on the budget tonight so that there will be something to present to the county commission.

Mr. Mitchell made a motion to approve the budget as presented and was seconded by Mrs. Pollock , item (10) under new business was unanimously approved. Chair Himes requested a roll-call vote. Roll-call vote went as follows:

Cassie Couch-Yes

Glenda Atkinson-Yes

Derek Cotham-Yes

Paula Dyer-Yes

Lindsey Himes-Yes

Matthew Adkins-Yes

Jack Holt-Yes

Sallie Pollock-Yes

Cody Mitchell-Yes

Announcements/Informational items

Dr. McAbee stated that he wanted to inform the board that the schools are generating almost a million dollars from the CTE programs. These funds are being used to hire teachers for new programs and purchase equipment.

Dr. McAbee asked Angela Leigh to give an update on the recent fundraiser that was held for Nurse Wanda Holloway on May 5, 2024. Ms. Leigh informed the board that with plate sales, cake sales and t-shirt sales that there was a little over $15,000 raised for Wanda. She stated that she would like to thank everyone who helped and in particular the school’s principals for their help. Ms. Leigh also stated that the Lewis County Cancer Victim’s Fund had their luncheon today and it generated $6,200. She again thanked the principals for their help in this event also.

Chair Himes stated that she wanted to thank all the teachers for their hard work in observance of teacher appreciation week.

Mrs. Dyer read a thank you from Dr. Coble for the gift she received from the board for the recent death of her grandmother. Mrs. Dyer stated that she wanted everyone to remember Gwen Hinson and Julie Whitehead in their prayers for the recent death in their family.

Dr. McAbee reminded everyone to keep Dr. Sullivan, Director of Schools in Rutherford County, in your thoughts and prayers for his son’s accident during the recent tornado. His son is currently in Vanderbilt and is in extremely critical condition.

Dr. McAbee asked the board if the June regularly scheduled meeting could be moved as he will be out of town on the date of the regular scheduled meeting. Board members discussed the matter and decided on June 4, 2024. There will be a workshop at 5:30 p.m.

Trina Weaks invited board members to the World of Work at the high school tomorrow .

Mrs. Atkinson reminded board members that they need to be at graduation on May 24, 2024, between 6:00-6:30 p.m.


Upon motion by Mr. Mitchell and seconded by Mr. Cotham, the meeting was adjourned at 7:00 p.m.


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