Serving Hohenwald, Lewis County Tennessee Since 1898



Are you treating your cell phone with more respect? This is critical if you want to regain vibrant health.

There are natural electromagnetic fields (EMFs) generated by the earth, the atmosphere and the sun. The body uses these natural fields for biological functions and cellular communication. These natural EMFs are interrupted, blocked and drowned out by man-made EMFs.

What can you do? Reconnect with the natural EMFs that your body depends on to function properly. A simple way is to go bare foot on the earth. Choose a place that does not have buried electrical wires and pipes, as these can carry man-made fields. You can also pet an animal that has its feet on the earth, put your hands into the soil, or touch plants that are rooted in the ground. If you do not feel comfortable walking bare foot, simply sit down for a few minutes (in the sun).

Another way to get natural EMFs is through sunshine. Sunshine is critically important for many reasons. You make vitamin D when mid-day UVB sun shines on your skin. Expose as much skin as possible, and take care not to get sunburned. Get outside and take off your glasses, as sunlight that comes into your eyes signals your biology and sets your circadian clock. Look toward (but not directly at) the sun. Go out at sunrise, mid morning, noon, mid afternoon and sunset.

Scientific studies show these simple activities can improve the quality of your sleep, reduce chronic pain, improve blood sugar regulation and weight control, decrease stress, speed up wound healing, improve your mood, and generally reduce inflammation. 80 minutes per day is ideal for the greatest benefits, but even a few minutes can make a big difference for your health.

Dr. Veronica Tilden is a doctor of osteopathy. Osteopaths are fully licensed physicians, and additionally they learn how to diagnose and treat using their hands. She has helped people regain vibrant health with a holistic approach since 1997, using traditional hands-on osteopathy and lifestyle counseling. (931) 295-3115 or


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