Serving Hohenwald, Lewis County Tennessee Since 1898

One Day at a Time

Series: One day at a time | Story 145

Well it is a beautiful morning here in our little valley. It is a perfect morning for sitting on the front porch and having coffee.

The cats are enjoying the morning too. They had their breakfast and are now taking a nap.

Yesterday Bobby filled up the bird feeders and this morning the birds are busy and happy also.

There are a couple of squirrels under the old apple tree in the yard, they are enjoying the apples that have fallen off the tree. They are carrying some of the apples down near the creek, I guess they are beginning to stock up for Winter.

The other day we saw a big red squirrel under the old apple tree, most of the squirrels around here are grey squirrels.

It is hard to believe that we are already half way through June. We have already been having some really warm days, but we have been getting some good rain too. This weather will be good for people’s gardens.

When we were out running errands we saw some pretty fields of corn and soy beans. We also saw farmers working in their hay fields.

I recently heard the neighbor’s old John Deere tractor and saw him cutting hay, soon him and the boys will be hauling those big round bales of hay and stacking them down by the creek.

The neighbor boys are all young men now, but they will always be the boys to us. When they were growing up whenever we needed help they were always there to help us with anything that we needed.

It is a blessing to have good neighbors. For years ours cut our Winter’s firewood and stacked it on our back porch, it will not be long before we have to start thinking about getting ready for Wintertime.

Bob has been doing better, thanks to all of you for your prayers and thanks to all the swell people at physical therapy, we love all of you.

Lately we still have been working at cleaning things up and de-cluttering, and everything is looking better, it is amazing how much work needs to be done in the springtime.

I have been working some in my little quilt house. It has a screened in front porch and it is in the shade a lot so it stays cool even on these warm days, Bob and me love to sit on it’s porch.

We have been checking on our blueberry bushes and some of the berries are just beginning to change color. It seems like they are taking a lot longer this year, maybe I am just anxious and you know what they say about a watched tea pot never boils.

There are some apples still on the apple tree even after the storm, but some are also falling off, maybe next year will be a better year. The other night there was a young possum out there in the yard, lately we have not been seeing many critters of any kind, we used to see lots of animals but now it is like they all just disappeared.

We have got another busy day planned ahead. Soon I have got to get lunch started, I am not sure what we are going to have yet but I know we always make sure and have cornbread and some kind of good beans and potatoes, you know the stuff that sticks to your ribs and not on your stomach, and of course I have got to make some good sweet iced tea.

I am not going to worry about tomorrow and I am going to take one day at a time because God still has it all under control and He is the light at the end of the tunnel.

God bless,

Evelyn “E.T.” Trevathan


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