Serving Hohenwald, Lewis County Tennessee Since 1898

Gordonsburg / Little Swan News

Series: Gordonsburg | Story 192

We have gotten to the portion of summer where it is hot and dry, have had a few showers but not enough to moisten the ground. The yards, fields, and gardens are suffering and even some leaves are falling from the trees from lack of moisture. The creeks and other water have been inviting to many in the area.

Those I know which are sick either at home, in nursing facilities or in the hospitals are: Kasey Baker, Colene Beasley, Linda Butler, Elizabeth Boggs, Bobby Carroll, Gertie Carroll, Spencer Clark, Nita Cottrel, Robert and Pat Dickson, Paula Dyer, Ophelia Green, Betty Hasty, Melissa Hendeson, Darrell Hinson, Wanda Holloway, Wayne Holloway, Thelma Johns, Denny King, Monette King, Jim Lawson, Lillie Mitchell, Greg McCann, Brittany Mash, Doug Miller, Howard Miller, Jackie McFall, Joy Orman, Judy O’Guin, Roger Pace, Debbie Pierce, Eddie Prince, Harry Runions, Marsha Runions, Lewis Schultz, Johnnie Faye Skelton, Terry Stutts, Jeff Tatum, Jeanea Warf, Diane Williams, and Annette Williams. Prayers for these and others we may not know of but especially pray for those with cancer.

We wish a happy birthday to Jason Haywood the 23rd, Niel Ann Church the 29th, and Girdie Carroll the 30th. Wishing for all these and anyone I missed a very happy birthday and many more to celebrate.

Happy anniversary to the following couples Gerald and Peggy McCann the 25th, Donnie and Mellie Haywood the 29th, and Bill and Donna Owen the 29th. We wish many more years for these couples to celebrate life together.

I am very proud of my two great granddaughters, Kaitlynn and Maria, who were baptized this past week. I pray they will continue on the journey they have begun.

Prayers for all those families who lost loved ones this past week. These are the ones I know about Darlene Ruby Boyce Reed, Kathy Belinda Keeton, Woodzie Eugene Myrick Jr., Debra Ann Flower, Bonnie J, Smith, Damien Blake Calvert, Anita Darlene Coleman, Patty Ellien Coble, Mary Katherine Hoover, Rita Sue Qualls, Annie Laura Hunt, and Randy Doyle Haskins. Prayers for these families and any others about which I may not know.

Still, many events goings on with the Library and the children had a great time last week at the story walk about at the park. Thanks to all who sponsor these events.

Many VBS’s going on in the area and children learn from these as well as having fun and enjoying being with other young people as well as the adults which have classes as well.

Praying for you and your family in the coming days and be sure to stay well hydrated if you are outside for long periods as it has been really hot and dry. Remember as you go about your daily life if there is someone who might be less fortunate take time to visit, call, or send a card to them. They would really appreciate it.


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