Serving Hohenwald, Lewis County Tennessee Since 1898

One Day at a Time

Series: One day at a time | Story 147

Well it is a very warm morning here in our little valley. Right now there is a little breeze blowing and it is comfortable out here on the front porch, but it is quickly getting humid.

This whole month of June has felt like Summer but we are just now in the beginnings of Summer, we have got lots more hot days ahead of us.

The cats were here early for their breakfast. They sure are smart they ate breakfast while it was still cool out and now that it is warming up they have gone to find a cool shady place to nap for the day.

When it is hot like this the cats sure do like the fresh cool water that Bob puts out for them. I hope other animals can find shade and water in this heat.

It has been another busy week for us, we did some work outside in the mornings while it was cool. Up in the day when it gets hot we can always find work to do inside.

I guess this heat has been good for the farmers cutting hay. Our neighbor has been cutting them big round hay bales. The other day I saw him go out on the tractor and one of the boys was following him in a truck pulling a trailer, when they came back the truck and trailer was loaded with lots of hay bales.

This morning the neighbor’s cows were grazing in their pasture, there was little calves along side of their mamas. Watching them sure is peaceful and reminds me of that old song “Peace in the Valley”, with all the trouble all over the world I am thankful for our little valley.

I guess the gardens are coming in now even with all the heat and dryness, I heard someone say that the dryness is good for root crops like potatoes and carrots. We are always going to have dry spells but I am sure we will get rain when we really need it.

Our friend Chuck stopped by to see how we are and he brought us a big mess of fresh squash out of his garden. I cooked a big skillet of it for lunch and it sure was good, thank you Chuck.

I have talked to several people that are beginning to can beans out of their gardens. Soon I will be canning blueberry juice and making jam, our blueberry bushes are doing pretty good despite all the hail and bad weather. Bobby and me have been picking them, you have to keep an eye on them because the berries seem too ripen overnight.

Bob has finished the breakfast dishes and he has got the kitchen clean. Now he has come out here to the porch with me to enjoy his coffee. We will only be able to sit out here a little longer this morning before it gets to humid.

Yesterday I did most of my cooking so that the oven will not heat up the house today. We still have got a busy day planned, I am going to work in my little quilt house, it was built well and has an air conditioner in it so it is really nice inside, Bob likes to go with me - now if I can just teach him how to sew!

I am not going to worry about tomorrow and I am going to take one day at a time because God still has it all under control and He is the light at the end of the tunnel.

God bless,

Evelyn “E.T.” Trevathan


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