Serving Hohenwald, Lewis County Tennessee Since 1898

Person of the week:Cooter Harris

Q.) Can you tell me a little bit about yourself?

A.) I am 37 years old. I've been happily married for the past 12 years, and have 4 great kids. We are members of Lomax Church of Christ. God has blessed me so much in this life.

Q.) Where did you grow up?

A.) I've lived in Lewis County all of my life.

Q.) What is one of your fondest childhood memories?

A.) Christmas Eve and Christmas Day when all of my family on both sides were able to spend it together. I loved playing with my brothers and sister and all of my cousins, and always getting aggravated by my Uncles.

Q.) What did you want to be as a kid? What did you actually become?

A.) I always dreamed of being a professional baseball player as a kid, but I also had a love for big trucks and was always working on them with my dad. I grew up coaching my boys in baseball instead, and became a truck driver and a shade tree mechanic.

Q.) Who was/is your biggest role model?

A.) My mom and Dad. They raised me to be God Fearing and always find the good in people.

Q.) What are some of your favorite hobbies/ how do you like to spend your free time?

A.) I love to spend my time at the race track, and be involved in all things racing because it's something we can all do as a family. I'm also a secret reality tv junkie.

Q.) If you could go anywhere, in or out of the states, where would it be? Why? I have always wanted to go and explore Jamaica for the scenery, culture, and I love their accents.

Q.) What is "your" song?

A.) I have always enjoyed "Good Man" by Chris Young

Q.) What is one of your favorite things about living in Hohenwald?

A.) The majority of people in our community always proving how much we love and care about one another

Q.) What is your favorite time of year? Why?

A.) Spring because racing and baseball season start back up!

Q.) What do you enjoy most about your job?

A.) Meeting new people and hearing about their walks of life

Q.) Do you have a nick name?

A.) Cooter, and that's about all people know me by

Q.) If you could spend one day as a TV character, who would it be?

A.) Batman because who wouldn't want to drive the Batmobile and fight off the bad guys!?

Q.) Is there any life advice you could give to our readers? Always do what makes you happy in life, and be thankful for the things that God has blessed you with.



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