Serving Hohenwald, Lewis County Tennessee Since 1898

One Day at a Time

Series: One day at a time | Story 148

Well it is a quiet morning here in our little valley. There is a little breeze blowing but it is very humid. We have been having some really hot days and even the nights have been humid.

It is so hot and humid that there are no birds or anything out this morning The cats ate their breakfast early and have now gone to try and find a cool spot to nap.

We finally got some rain and there is a little in the creek, but we need a lot more because it has been so dry.

The farmers in some places are in bad need of rain and in some places they are having bad flooding. The flooding in places is so bad that it has destroyed their crops and they probably will not have time to replant before Winter.

Between all the dryness and all the flooding you know it will effect our food prices. The weather sure has been changing a lot over the last two or three years.

We really need to be preparing for tomorrow, I believe if we do our part and do what we can to take care of ourselves then God will take care of us and everything else.

The other morning in the backyard we saw a big group of skunk families going down towards the creek, it looked like there was at least three mommas with lots of baby skunks along side of them. Some of the babies would slow down and the mommas would have to stop and wait for the babies to catch up. It was before we got any rain and it was just like they got up and went to the cool creek before the day got hot.

We have had another busy week, we were out running errands and went over to the Amish and got some fresh corn. Bob sure likes fresh corn on the cob, I boiled him some and slice up a fresh tomato to go with his dinner.

Lately we have not been able to get much work done outside because of the heat, but we get up early and work outside until it gets too hot and then we have to come inside, and there is always plenty of things that need to get done inside also.

We have been doing a lot of de-cluttering and cleaning up. Along with working inside the house, Bob and Bobby have been working inside Bob’s shop and I have been working in my little quilt house. It seems more and more that springtime cleaning last well into the Summer.

We have been doing some canning, lots of people now are canning and freezing and putting things up now that the gardens are coming in. This is a busy time of year, time to prepare now for the coming wintertime.

Pam and Rick came over and brought Bob a potted tomato plant, it now has several little tomatoes on it. Bob is so proud of his tomatoes, he has been watering it everyday and taking care of it. I think other than corn on the cob, sliced tomato may be his favorite food. He loves having a tomato slice on his egg sandwich.

Thanks to our neighbors and friends today for lunch we are going to have fresh corn, tomatoes and fried squash. You just can not beat home cooked fresh vegetables out of the garden. I think we maybe getting spoiled with all these wonderful fresh vegetables, we may never be able to eat junk food again.

We picked some blueberry and I made blueberry juice and it sure was good, maybe later this week I will be able to make some blueberry jam.

Bob has finished the breakfast dishes and he has decided this morning to have his coffee inside instead of out on the porch because it is getting hot this morning. Even with the heat we are still looking forward to today and maybe it will rain after while and cool everything off.

I am not going to worry about tomorrow and I am going to take one day at a time because God still has it all under control and He is the light at the end of the tunnel.

God bless,

Evelyn “E.T.” Trevathan


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