Serving Hohenwald, Lewis County Tennessee Since 1898

Gordonsburg / Little Swan News

Series: Gordonsburg | Story 194

Still a few thundershowers around the area but not over all the area, sometimes it rains in town and not one drop down on the creek and then it comes a shower with thunder and not a drop in town I guess we need to be glad for what we get since it is so dry.

Those I know which are sick either at home, in nursing facilities or in the hospitals are: Kasey Baker, Colene Beasley, Linda Butler, Elizabeth Boggs, Bobby Carroll, Gertie Carroll, Spencer Clark, Nita Cottrel, Robert and Pat Dickson, Paula Dyer, Polly Edwards, Ophelia Green, Betty Hasty, Melissa Hendeson, Wanda Holloway, Wayne Holloway, Thelma Johns, Jimmy Lee Johnston, Denny King, Monette King, Rebecca King, Jim Lawson, Lillie Mitchell, Greg McCann, Jason McCann, Brittany Mash, Doug Miller, Howard Miller, Jackie McFall, Will Morris, Kay Murphy, Joy Orman, Judy O’Guin, Roger Pace, Debbie Pierce, Eddie Prince, Harry Runions, Marsha Runions, Russell Runions, Lewis Schultz, Johnnie Faye Skelton, Addie Steel, Terry Stutts, Jeff Tatum, Diane Williams, and Annette Williams. Prayers for these and others we may not know of but especially pray for those with cancer.

We wish a happy birthday to Krista Rahman the 19th, Vera Runions the 20th, Kelby Reeves the 21st, Timothy Eastep and Heather Ayers the 20th, Pam Graham, Derrick Johnston, and Greg Baker the 24th, and Bobby Carroll and Shondra Carroll the 25th. Wishing for all these and anyone I missed a very happy birthday and many more to celebrate.

Congratulations to all the ball teams that are advancing to the World Series Tournament and wish them luck and a very safe and wonderful week.

Prayers for all those families who lost loved ones this past week. These are the ones I know about Sonya Annette Rumbaugh, Billy Wade Love, Cynthia Mae Riley Thar[, Charles Junior Baker, Terry Stephen Duncan, Alice Jean Lynn, Crystal Gayle Tidwell, Mary allene Harrington, Garland Dwight Lester, Loretta Jane Runions, Carol Ann Winslett, Tristan Cameron James, Melvin Darriel Pat6terson, and John Wayne Marshall. Prayers for these families and any others about which I may not know.

As it is so hot and predictions are for even hotter days this next week, if you are out much make sure to stay hydrated and don’t get overheated. It doesn’t take long to get too hot before you realize it when it is about or over 100 degrees.

If you have friends and neighbors who are sick or in the hospital remember to send them a card or go for a visit and see if they need some help with things at home. No one likes to be sick or alone.


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