Serving Hohenwald, Lewis County Tennessee Since 1898

One Day at a Time

Series: One day at a time | Story 150

Well it has already gotten warm and humid early this morning here in our little valley. It is a quiet morning, there is not many sounds and it is very quiet.

The cats have had their breakfast and are laying here on the front porch, the front porch is always cool early in the mornings. Later up in the morning they will go and find a cooler spot to nap for the rest of the day.

Bob is washing the breakfast dishes and I am enjoying the front porch. There are lots of hummingbirds at their feeders.

We got a good rain the day before and this morning everything is still wet. We did not have a bad storm, it was mostly just rain. We sure have been needing the rain, everything is so dry.

We have had another busy week, we worked a lot on corn. We went to the Amish and got some corn, we worked it up pretty fast, we already have got it cooked and put in the freezer, it sure will taste good this Winter.

Of course I did not put all of the corn in the freezer, I had to keep out a few ears for Bob, he loves eating corn on the cob better than almost anything.

We are hearing from some people that their corn corps are not doing too good. All this hot and dry weather sure is hurting peoples crops and garden.

The cost of living is going up, we were in the grocery store and a few things have stayed the same price but a lot of things have went up a few cents or they have gotten smaller in size.

As I have said before, we all need to try a little harder, and cut back and save where we can, and watch where our money goes. Unfortunately some people still want to live like there is no tomorrow.

Looks like our remaining blueberries are all just about gone now, but I was able to make some juice and I froze some berries to make jam with later.

The deer, squirrels and skunks have been enjoying the few apples from the old apple tree in the yard. Between the weather and the bugs this has not been a good year for fruit trees.

I do not know if all of the old sayings are true about predicting a bad Winter but, we heard the katydids start really early this year, and the corn has had thick shucks on them, and we have had an extremely hot and dry Summer and they say one extreme usually follows another one.

Another old saying is to count the fogs you have in August and that will be how many snows you will have in the Winter. Of course these are all just fun old sayings and only time will tell if any of them come true.

I am looking forward to cooler weather, and you all know me and that wintertime is my favorite time of year. But after a month of bad cold temps with snow and some ice I know I will be complaining about it and wishing for warmer weather.

We have not been able to work outside much, but we have been doing a lot on the inside. I have been working in my little quilt house and cutting out pieces so that when the weather gets cold I can quilt them together.

During the Winter I like to quilt or crochet and have a warm fire going in the old wood heating stove while watching for it to snow.

Bob is now done with the breakfast dishes and the kitchen is spotless. For breakfast he had slices of ripe tomatoes, he loves them for breakfast along with gravy and biscuits.

We have got another busy day planned ahead, there is windows that need washing and laundry to be done. There is always something that needs done.

I am not sure what all we will have for lunch but I already have a pot of beans cooked and I have my sweet iced tea made. Someone gave us a seedless watermelon and I have got it sliced up and it is getting cold in the refrigerator.

I am not going to worry about tomorrow and I am going to take one day at a time because God still has it all under control and He is the light at the end of the tunnel.

God bless,

Evelyn “E.T.” Trevathan


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