Serving Hohenwald, Lewis County Tennessee Since 1898

Glimpses of Hohenwald's Past

Series: Glimpses of Hohenwalds Past | Story 201

July 15, 1954

The Lewis County Quarterly Court reduced taxes from $3.25 to $3.20 in a brief session held at the Lewis County Court House.

The Lewis County Public Library announced a reading club for children which would run from July 20 to August 20. A certificate would be awarded to children who read nine or more books during the library’s first summer reading program.

Farm Bureau announced that its annual picnic would be held on July 17 at Meriwether Lewis Park. Each family was to bring a box lunch; Farm Bureau would furnish the drinks. Games and prizes for both adults and children would be held and given away throughout the day.

The Oak Grove News column reported that that while the annual homecoming event did not have the largest attendance in history, it did have the largest dinner turnout to date, adding, “…the wire fencing stretched for a table swayed drunkenly and almost collapsed under its load as a prop gave away. Women screamed, grabbed at the wire and held on… hot, impatient children asked their mothers, some in whisper and some out loud, if they couldn’t have just one chicken leg before every dish was placed on the table…”

Mr. and Mrs. Harry Kirk announced the birth of their daughter, Karen Jane.

Kittrell Appliance Company advertised a Frigidaire room air conditioner for $229.95. Weekly specials at U-Tote-‘Em Super Market included 46 ounce Hi-C orange aid for $0.29, a pint of Bonds sweet mixed pickles for $0.25, A-1 toilet tissue for $0.05 a roll, and two pounds of bananas for $0.25.

“The Tall Target,” starring Dick Powell and Adolph Menjou, and “Iron Mountain Trail,” starring Rex Allen and Slim Pickens, were the Friday and Saturday movies showing at the Strand Theatre.

July 16, 1964

The Lewis County Horse Show announced that World Champion Tennessee Walking Horse Ebony Masterpiece would be presented at the horse show on July 17.

The Hohenwald Babe Ruth team completed the 1964 season with 11 wins and 3 losses to be a top team in the Tri-County League. Tony Holt, pitcher for the team, completed his second season without a loss.

Four cadets from the Lewis County Composite Squadron, Civil Air Patrol attended the 1964 Summer Encampment at Sewart Air Force Base, Smyrna. Those attending were Wayne Dye, Carol Graves, Tommy Mann, and Judy Turner.

An estimated 520 plates were sold at the annual Oak Grove Fish Fry.

The following births were announced: Ritchie Duval, son of Mr. and Mrs. Tony Holt; Todd Wayne, son of Mr. and Mrs. Norman Bryan; William Lee, son of Mr. and Mrs. Buddy Harder; and Michael Ray, son for Mr. and Mrs. Charles McClain.

Funeral services were held for Miles McDonald, 74; Nannie Warren, 85; and for Roscoe Warren, 56.

“Mail Order Bride,” starring Buddy Ebsen and Keir Dullea, and “The Young Swinters,” starring Rod Lauren and Molly Bee, were the weekend movies showing at the Highlands Drive-In Theater.

July 18, 1974

Randy Carroll, Dwight Cotham, and Ricky DePriest were named to the Prep All-America Basketball Yearbook for 1973-74. Their selection made them eligible for judging in the Prep All-America National Awards—Prep 100 Squad, Super Ten Team, and Cum Laude.

Mr. and Mrs. Luther Davidson celebrated their 65th wedding anniversary with a picnic held at the home of their granddaughter, Mrs. Charles Grinstead.

Mrs. Ollie Crowell was honored for her 94th birthday with a birthday party at the Bel Air Nursing Home in Columbia.

The following births were announced: Grady Andrew, son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Reed; Emily Jane, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Michael Santi; and Michael Marcelle, son of Dr. and Mrs. Tommy Mann.

Funeral services were held for Amos Craig; and for Lucile Field, 67.

Roger Carroll and Loudine Cross advertised that the Miniature Golf Course located near Downey Cemetery on Old Kimmins Rd. was now open “anytime anyone wants to play, day or night.”

“Sugar Hill and her Zombie Hit Men,” starring Marki Rey and Robert Quarry, and “Scum of the Earth” were the weekend movies showing at the Highlands Drive-In Theater.

July 19, 1984

The Lewis County Dixie Boys All Stars received second place in the district tournament held at Memorial Park. The team lost to Centerville, 11 to 1. Steve Cook pitched for the team six innings, receiving relief from Bobby Young.

Georgia Prince won $100 in the Circus Bingo game conducted by Harris Cee Bee.

Kathy Dye and Kelli Kea were delegates to Girls State held at MTSU.

Jeff Simmons and his father, Milton, caught 33 blue channel and yellow catfish while trot lining. The catch weighed over 100 pounds.

Robbie Adkins and Rufus won first place at the Buffalo River Coon Hunters Club’s monthly coon hunt.

Jane Kinney won first place in sculpture at the Tullahoma Fine Arts and Crafts Festival.

The following births were announced: Jenna Marie, daughter of Richard and Joyce Lay; Brantley Camille, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. King McCarver; Melvin Larry and Carrie Rebecca, twins of Mr. and Mrs. Darriel Patterson.

Mr. and Mrs. Herbert E. Bastin celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary with a buffet luncheon at the Old Country Store in Jackson.

“Cannonball Run II” was the weekend movie showing at the Highlands Drive-in Theatre.

July 14, 1994

An open house and ribbon cutting was held on July 10 at the Lewis County Farm Bureau’s new building on Highway 412 East. Guests toured the offices and talked to employees of the local office.

The LCHS Panthers football squad defeated Columbia Central High School with a score of 35 to 27 in the first scrimmage of the 1994 Duck River Passing League. Lewis County defeated Wayne County 57 to 19 in the second game of the tournament.

The Friends of the Animal Foundation was formed by a group of citizens concerned with homeless and neglected animals in Lewis County and surrounding areas. The founding of the group was initiated by Dr. Steven Scott.

The LCHS Panthers football cheerleaders attended the National Cheerleaders Association summer camp and won team awards, including an overall superior rating. Members of the team were Hollie Bates, Heather Bowen, Anna Churchwell, Christy Garner, Kara Long, Natalie Spiess, Amanda Ricketts, and Amy Williams. Sponsors for the camp were Clasha Tanner and Melinda Williams.

Larry Walker and Robert Williams spent two weeks fishing and bear hunting in LaForce, Quebec, Canada. Walker killed a 200-pound bear with a bow and arrow, and Williams killed a 205 pound bear with a 30.06 gun.

Dwight and Rhonda Frazier announced the birth of their daughter, Kali Rene.

Mr. and Mrs. George Davis would celebrate their 50th anniversary with a reception at the Oak Grove community building on July 17.

Funeral services were held for James Kelley, 36; J.J. Savage, 84; Nancy Simmons, 79; and for Richard Templeton, 47.

July 15, 2004

The main headline for the week was “Plans Unveiled for Main Street Initiative at Historic Preservation Commission Meeting.” Architectural plans and drawings for restoration of downtown businesses were reviewed, building owners would be responsible for restoration costs.

The High Forest Jr. Bassmasters took top honors in team competition at the 1st Annual Jr. Bassmaster State Championship in Gallatin. Kevin White of the High Forest Jr. Bassmasters was the tournament champion in the 11 through 14 age group.

A historical article ran about the Laurel Hill Cotton Factory on the Little Buffalo River.

The following births were announced: Tanner Clay, son of Josh and Tina Kvapil; Alyssa Grace, daughter of Joshua and Jennifer Stutts; Tyler Anthony, son of Travis and Colleen Carroll; and Makayla Elizabeth, daughter of Terry and Elizabeth Bell.

Funeral services were held for James Beatty, 85; Donna Brown, 40; Travis Burlison, 22; Jerry Crowell, 69; Fred Kittrell, 79; Betty Love, 74; Margaret McClearen, 55; E. B. Peery, 87; and for Verna Turner, 90.

This article was written using local history resources available at the Lewis County Public Library and Archives. Libraries are guardians of history. Visit the library and archives to learn more about our community’s unique past.


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