Serving Hohenwald, Lewis County Tennessee Since 1898

Building Hope:Meet Gracie

Gracie Hicks has attended Hope Hohenwald since she was in first grade. She will be a fifth grader at Lewis County Intermediate School in the fall. Gracie said, "I am going to stay at Hope until I move, but that will probably never happen." She added, "Because I love this place!"

Gracie says she enjoys coming to Summer Camp because it helps her to stay off her phone. She says her favorite thing to do at Hope in the summer is to swim. She gets to swim on Tuesdays at our local park pool and on Wednesdays the entire camp travels to Waynesboro to swim and play at their water park

Gracie says that the after school program is good because she is able to finish her work that she doesn't complete at school. This allows her to enjoy her time with her family in the evening.

Gracie is looking forward to Hope's new building because she can play GaGa Ball indoors instead of out in the heat. She also expressed how exciting it will be to have a basketball court inside the gymnasium. She says that people should give to Building Hope because it is kind to do that. She added that "Hope is teaching us kindness and to love God."

Of Gracie, Hope Hohenwald CEO states, "Gracie is such a joy to have at Hope Hohenwald Inc. Anyone that knows Gracie knows that she travels at her own speed and always has a toy in her hand. She is funny, smart, and always kind."


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