Serving Hohenwald, Lewis County Tennessee Since 1898

Gordonsburg / Little Swan News

In the last week or so we have had several showers pop up during the day and night which has added rain to help alleviate the lack we have had most of the late summer. We appreciate the rain which not only helps the pastures, yards, and gardens which are still producing, but also washes all the vegetation and cleans the air.

Those I know which are sick either at home, in nursing facilities or in the hospitals are: Kasey Baker, Colene Beasley, Linda Butler, Elizabeth Boggs, Gertie Carroll, Spencer Clark, Nita Cottrel, Robert and Pat Dickson, Paula Dyer, Polly Edwards, Abby Gray, Ophelia Green, Betty Hasty, Melissa Hendeson, Wanda Holloway, Wayne Holloway, Thelma Johns, Jimmy Lee Johnston, Denny King, Monette King, Rebecca King, Jim Lawson, Lillie Mitchell, Greg McCann, Jason McCann, Brittany Mash, Doug Miller, Howard Miller, Jackie McFall, Will Morris, Kay Murphy, Joy Orman, Judy O’Guin, Roger Pace, Debbie Pierce, Harry Runions, Marsha Runions, Russell Runions, Lewis Schultz, Johnnie Faye Skelton, Addie Steel, Terry Stutts, Jeff Tatum, Diane Williams, and Annette Williams. Prayers for these and others we may not know of but especially pray for those with cancer.

We wish a happy birthday to Cameron Troutman, Landon Odom and Tacy Morales the 6th, and Kelli Burcham and David Clayton the 7th. Wishing for all these and anyone I missed a very happy birthday and many more to celebrate.

Happy Anniversary to Damien and Christy Clayton August 5th, and Burton and Sara Barber also the 5th, and we wish for these couples many more years to celebrate life together.

Prayers for all those families who lost loved ones this past week. These are the ones I know about - Terrell Venson Crews, Joseph Turner, Gary Wayne Matthis, Ramon Ramirez, Douglas Lee Litton, James Titus Austin, and Christine Rebecca King. Prayers for these families and any others about which I may not know.

Please keep those who are sick and shut-in in your prayers, send cards, prayers and call them if you have the chance. No one likes to be alone and sometimes when you are sick and can’t get out it seems people forget about you.

School is about to begin for the 2024-2025 school year, so be getting those ready who will be going to school soon. The local paper has all the information about specific things you might need to know. The teachers and staff started this week and know that many of the children are anxious about getting back to studying and others not so much.

Hope you have a great week and enjoy the days with less humidity and somewhat lower temperatures. May God bless each and every one.


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