Serving Hohenwald, Lewis County Tennessee Since 1898

One day at a Time

Series: One day at a time | Story 152

Well it is a quiet and peaceful morning here in our little valley. Right now it is really comfortable and it has not gotten real humid yet.

This morning we did have a little fog but not as much as we have been having, lately on some mornings the fogs have been real heavy.

The cats were sitting at the door and waiting for their breakfast. They are always on time, I think they know what time it is, Bobby says that they have little Mickey Mouse wrist watches.

The hummingbirds have been busy at their feeders. Bobby has been making up feed for them and keeping their feeders full. This year I think we have had more hummingbirds here than we have ever had.

We have been getting a few little showers of rain on most days here lately, and things are getting greener and the grass is growing. There is still no water in the creek, but there will be some soon I hope, it has just been so hot and dry for so long.

The neighbor cut his pasture and now it is coming back nice and green, his cows will like that. He also brought us a big mess of squash and ripe tomatoes and bell peppers, we have really enjoyed the fresh vegetables.

All of our blueberries are gone for the year, but I did can some juice and I froze some berries, they will make some good blueberry jam for Bob’s biscuits this Fall.

Here it is now already August and Fall is just right around the corner. Lately everybody has been so busy and now all the kids are getting ready to go back to school.

Soon we will have to start getting serious about our Fall cleaning and getting our Winter’s firewood up and cleaning out the old wood heating stove and getting it ready for Winter.

Not long from now we will all start thinking about the holidays. Where has this year gone? I know I am getting older and it seems like time goes by faster for us older folks, but I hear young people talking about how fast the days go by.

The cost of living is still going up, and with this hot summer everybody’s electric bill has went up. I have talked to some people and their bills have really went up. What did we do when we were young and did not have air conditioning or even fans?

I was over at the Amish recently on one of those real hot days and they were working and their kids were playing, the heat did not seem to bother them at all.

The Amish had the doors and windows on their house open and they have shade trees around their houses, and in their yard there is a cool breeze blowing. Have we gotten spoiled too just turning up a switch and forgotten how to do things naturally?

It seems there is a lot of trouble all around and people are uneasy about what is going on in our world. It is getting hard to count on the right thing being done. A lot of people are worried and they are preparing for what is to come.

We see so many things happening, do you think God might be trying to get our attention? I think we all really need to be praying for our kids and praying for the people who watches out for them.

We all need to plan and prepare, and do everything we can to protect our rights and freedom, and we need to pray for those that are fighting to protect us and keep us safe.

I am not going to worry about tomorrow and I am going to take one day at a time because God still has it all under control and He is the light at the end of the tunnel.

God bless,

Evelyn “E.T.” Trevathan


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