Serving Hohenwald, Lewis County Tennessee Since 1898

We are the World Series 8U Team Tennessee

"We were so very proud to have represented Lewis County as their first World Series team. These young women grew so much as players and friends throughout the season. It was truly an honor for all parents and coaches to be a part of!

We started the journey at the district tournament hosted in Lewis County where we emerged undefeated District 3 champions. Our journey then moved onto the State tournament in Centerville where we were able to go 5-0 undefeated state champions. Our journey sadly came to an end in the World Series after being victorious in our first two games against South Carolina and Georgia, losing to Texas and Fairview. We are so thankful and proud to have represented Lewis County as Team Tennessee and appreciate all of the local businesses and members of our community who donated to make this a special memory that will never be forgotten by these amazing girls!"


The Coaches & Parents of 8U Team Tennessee!


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