Serving Hohenwald, Lewis County Tennessee Since 1898

School Board Addresses City/County/School Agreement to Pay SRO's, Director McAbee's Pay Raise, and The Non-Payment of Student Workers During the Summer

The Lewis County Board of Education met in regular session on Tuesday, August 6, 2024, at 6:02 p.m. at the Lewis County Board of Education board meeting room located at 206 South Court Street, Hohenwald, Tn. All board members present were Board Chair Lindsey Himes, Vice Chair Paula Dyer, Matthew Adkins, Glenda Atkinson, Cassie Couch, Derek Cotham, Jackie Holt, Cody Mitchell, and Sallie Pollock. Prior to the regular scheduled meeting there was a workshop held at 5:30 p.m.

Ryder Ward from the Student Advisory Committee stated that all of the high school students were so happy to see the progress of the new high school whenever they returned to high school this week.

The invocation was given by Mr. Cody Mitchell. The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Mr. Derek Cotham.

Consent agenda:

• Approval of Consent Agenda

• Approved previous minutes from the July 9, 2024, regular scheduled board meeting.

• Adopted agenda.

• Approve payroll and miscellaneous warrants.

• Add-on:

• approve 3-year subscription to TSBA for policy/maintenance/on-line service in the amount of $3000.00 per year.

• Approve Middle College Handbook

Upon motion by Mr. Mitchell and seconded by Mrs. Pollock to approve the add-on to the consent agenda was unanimously approved.

Upon motion by Mr. Mitchell and seconded by Mr. Adkins, the consent agenda, with the add-on, was approved unanimously.

Regular agenda:

Director’s Report

• Accepted the resignation of Colyn McKnight, 5th grade teacher, effective July 3, 2024.

• Accepted the resignation of Lindsey Webb, 1st grade teacher, effective June 28, 2024.

• Employed Ashley Abercrombie, High School ELA teacher, effective August 1, 2024.

• Employed Amelia Harper, 1st grade teacher, effective August 1, 2024.

• Employed Ashley Heath, 5th grade teacher, effective August 1, 2024.

• Employed Audra Flippo, High School Agriculture teacher, effective August 1, 2024.

• Employed Emily Graves, Elementary School Paraprofessional and Middle School Assistant softball coach, effective August 1, 2024.

• Transferred Briana Staggs to Elementary School Paraprofessional from substitute teacher effective August 1, 2024.

• Transferred Sarah Harper to Elementary School Paraprofessional from extended care worker, effective August 1, 2024.

• Transferred Jenna Roberson from Paraprofessional to Special Ed. Assessment Assistant, effective August 1, 2024.

• Transferred Shelley Owen to Middle School and High School Instructional Coach from High School Special Education teacher, effective August 1, 2024.

• Approved Abagayle Brock, Volunteer high school assistant volleyball coach, effective August 1, 2024.

• Approved Jake White, Middle School Head Softball coach, effective August 1, 2024.

• Approved Alex Clayton, Middle School Assistant Softball coach, effective August 1, 2024.

• Director McAbee stated that he had some of the board members to ask him about the meeting with the County Commissioners meeting went on Monday, August 5, 2024, regarding the SRO program. He stated that the City of Hohenwald Mayor and City Council were invited to this meeting that was hosted by the County Commissioners. He further stated that the SRO’s for this year will continue to have a job and be in the schools. Dr. McAbee stated that he wanted to make it clear that the school never said that it would not pay the $22,000 bill that was received from the City of Hohenwald. He stated that the bill was a surprise to him and that it was not included in the school’s budget because with the $300,000 grant that was given to the City of Hohenwald, for (4) SRO, the assumption was that the cost would be covered. He stated that when the bill was received that he did ask for clarifying information just for the school’s record. Dr. McAbee stated that he and Emily Spitzer had gone over the figures, and they had concerns over this bill because the school is responsible for this money. He stated he wanted to make the community aware that the school district fully supports paying all reasonable costs associated with the SROs. Mrs. Pollock stated that she had concerns because the school had not received further information from the City of Hohenwald about the charges that were sent to the school. Ms. Couch stated she was so sorry that this became such an issue that the SRO’s were concerned about having a job. Dr. McAbee stated that he felt asking for an itemized receipt was a very honest question on his behalf because Emily files those receipts. Mr. Mitchell stated that it is on the same principle that if Nabholz came to the school and said they needed more money for the construction of the new high school that we would definitely expect an explanation for that request. Ms. Couch stated that the bill the school received was not itemized and was very vague. Dr. McAbee stated that he had sent the board members a copy of the two versions of the addendum to the current MOU between the Lewis County Schools and the City of Hohenwald. He further stated that Mayor Keltner had brought him the two different versions of the addendum. He stated that one of the versions is for the Lewis County Government and the City of Hohenwald to split the cost 50/50 for any additional charges. He stated that he informed Mr. Keltner that the schools want to split their fair share. Mr. Keltner stated that the other version is where the City of Hohenwald, Lewis County School System and Lewis County Government would pay one third each. He stated that Mr. Keltner said that Mayor McKnight came over and talked with him and that Mayor McKnight stated that he did want to include the school system in this addendum. Director McAbee stated that he felt as though the school was not going to receive any further information from the City of Hohenwald regarding the bill that was received and the board needed to approve some type of resolution to this issue. He further stated that the Lewis County Government is going to vote on one of these addendums on Monday night, August 12, 2024 and they need to know if the school is willing to go in on the one third each addendum. Dr. McAbee stated that his recommendation would be for the school to participate in the one third each addendum. He stated that if the schools owe $22,000 then the school will pay this bill. He stated that the school would still have a year to try and get more information concerning the bill that they received. Dr. McAbee further stated that he had talked with the school’s lawyer, Scott Bennett, and he stated that this would be an addendum to the MOU that was previously signed and would not take the place of the original MOU. Ms. Couch stated that she had concerns about this MOU being signed each year before the beginning of the new school year. Dr. McAbee stated that Mr. Trull has been in communication with Kevin Carroll of the City of Hohenwald Police Dept. He said that the school would be checking in with the chief of Police periodically to see the progress of the agreement. Mr. Mitchell asked Dr. McAbee who wrote the addendum. Dr. McAbee stated that it was his understanding that the City of Hohenwald wrote the addendum. Mr. Mitchell stated that he thought that this was a positive move especially since it states that the Director of Schools would be more involved in the SROs. Mr. Adkins stated that he did have concerns about the school system paying the $22,000 bill this year with no explanation and will the City of Hohenwald come back next year with additional charges and no explanation for that. Dr. McAbee stated that he is operating on good faith and feels that this is necessary for the benefit of the schools. Mrs. Dyer questioned as to the charges going over next year. Chair Himes stated that if it went over this year and even with the cost of living it will more than likely to go over next year. Dr. McAbee expressed his thanks to the County Commissioners for hosting the meeting last night. Chair Himes stated that the addendum indicates that the expenses related to the SRO program that are not covered by the state SRO grant include e.g. vehicle maintenance, drug test, equipment, training, etc. Chair Himes asked if there was any further discussion and that she feels as if the board is going to go with one of the addendums presented, that the school board needs to go with the one third each addendum. After discussion amongst the board members, Dr. McAbee stated that he would call Mayor Keltner to let him know that the board has agreed to go with the one third each addendum.

Unfinished Business: There was no unfinished business to address.

New Business:

• Discussion/action to approve abatement of asbestos at current high school.

Upon motion by Mr. Mitchell and seconded by Mrs. Pollock, item 1.) under new business was unanimously approved to approve Environmental Abatement, Inc.’s bid in the amount of $187,700. Chair Himes asked for a roll-call vote. All members voted yes.

• Quarterly reports.

Upon motion by Mrs. Atkinson and seconded by Mrs. Dyer, item (2) under new business was unanimously approved.

• Budget amendments.

Prior to the vote on item (3) Dr. McAbee explained to the board the reason for the budget amendment. He stated that with the agreement with USDA, a resolution was written up with the county that the Lewis County Board of Education would do 13 million dollars out of the fund balance and the rest would come out of the loan. He further stated that before he came to Lewis County schools the documents were written up that the school would pay $10 million so there for the school will pay the $10 million and then do a loan and pay the $3 million and then the balance would be paid out of the loan. Director McAbee stated that the last check that was written was for 3 million four hundred ninety-eight thousand dollars. This took the school up to where there was only about $65,000 in the 177 funds.

Upon motion by Mrs. Pollock and seconded by Mr. Mitchell, item (3) under new business was unanimously approved.

• Discussion/action to pay students who have worked for American Jobs Center.

Prior to the vote on item (4) under new business, Dr. McAbee stated that the students who worked during the summer months for the American Jobs Center still have not been paid. He stated that during the middle of the summer the person that was responsible to get the students enrolled for payment quit her job. He stated that Brandi Feichtinger has contacted Senator Joey Hensley and others to try and get this resolved. Mrs. Feichtinger stated that she hopes that this matter will be resolved, and the students will be paid by August 15, 2024. Dr. McAbee stated that if the students have not been paid by the next board meeting, then he suggested that the board absorb this cost so the students would be paid.

Upon motion by Mr. Mitchell and seconded by Ms. Couch, item (4) under new business was unanimously approved.

• Discussion/action to approve Dr. McAbee’s salary.

Prior to the vote on item (5), Dr. McAbee stated that he was requesting that he get the $3000 raise that the teachers received this year and the 6% they received last year. He stated that he did not receive a raise last year as per his contract. He stated that the board did give him 4 personal days last year and he stated that he would be willing to give the 4 personal days back, if need be, so that he can get his raise. Mrs. Pollock brought the attention to board members that Dr. McAbee works many hours’ overtime. Mrs. Atkinson suggested that at the next board retreat that Dr. McAbee’s contract be discussed. Mr. Adkins suggested that he keep the 4 personal days also. Dr. McAbee expressed his appreciation to the board for their commitment to the kids and staff at the schools.

Upon motion by Mrs. Pollock and seconded by Mr. Mitchell, item (5) was unanimously approved that Dr. McAbee receive the raise that the teachers have received and for the director to keep his 4 personal days. Chair Himes requested a roll-call vote. All members voted yes.

• Add-on:

• approve 3-year subscription to TSBA for policy/maintenance/on-line service in the amount of $3000.00 per year.

Upon motion by Mr. Mitchell and seconded by Mrs. Dyer to approve the 3-year subscription to TSBA for policy/maintenance/online services. Chair Himes requested a roll-call vote. All members voted yes.

• Approve Middle College Handbook

Upon motion by Ms. Couch and seconded by Mrs. Atkinson to approve the Middle College Handbook was unanimously approved.

• Resolution of commendation for board member Derek Cotham.

Chair Himes presented the resolution of commendation for board member Derek Cotham, and it reads as follows:

Resolution of Commendation

WHEREAS Derek Cotham has served as a member of the Lewis County Board of Education from December 8, 2015, until September 2024 and,

WHEREAS, he has rendered good and faithful service to this county as a

member of said Board, and,

WHEREAS his wise counsel and good judgment will be greatly missed.

NOW THEREFORE, the Lewis County Board of Education composed of Director of Schools, Dr. Tracy McAbee, Chair Lindsey Himes, Vice-Chair Paula Dyer, Cassie Couch, Glenda Atkinson, Matthew Adkins, Jackie Holt, Sallie Pollock, and Cody Mitchell assembled on this day of August 6, 2024, hereby expresses its sincere appreciation concerning the service of this good person. It is hereby authorized that a copy of this resolution be spread upon the minutes of the school board.

Mr. Cotham expressed his appreciation to Dr. McAbee and staff and Benny Pace’s staff and board members and the community for all of their support over the years.

Announcements/informational items:

Mrs. Dyer stated that she saw Becky Miller at the opening ceremonies and she wanted to thank the board for her gift she received from the board for the recent passing of her sister.

Ms. Couch also expressed her appreciation for the gift she received from the board for the recent passing of her grandmother.

Chair Himes announced that the next regular scheduled meeting will be September 10, 2024. She stated that this would be when the recently elected board members would be sworn in. She stated that there would be a workshop beginning at 5:30 p.m. since there would be several items on the agenda. She suggested that the board members be sworn in about 5:15 pm. She asked Angela Leigh to contact Judge Hinson to come and swear in the new board members. Mrs. Leigh stated that she would take care of contacting Judge Hinson.

Mrs. Leigh reminded the board members about the TSBA Fall District Meeting on August 29, 2024, at Lewis County High School.

Mrs. Dyer reminded the board that our board will be recognized at the TSBA convention in November for Board of Distinction.

Upon motion by Mr. Cotham and seconded by Mr. Mitchell the meeting adjourned at 6:57 p.m.


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