Serving Hohenwald, Lewis County Tennessee Since 1898

Lewis County Person Of The Week: DeAnna Carroll

Q.) Can you tell me a little bit about yourself?

A.) I am a descendant of Swiss and German immigrants, both some of the first settlers of Hohenwald. I am the "baby" of the family and the self-proclaimed favorite. I enjoy a good laugh. People come to me for advice and a listening ear. I believe children are treasures and should be treated as such. I love ice cream and the beach. I enjoy shopping at antique stores and auctions. I should not be as old as my birth certificate states I am. My son said to say I am a hard worker. I love my family- all of them! I'm a Christian.

Q.) Where did you grow up?

A.) Born and raised in Hohenwald, Tennessee.

Q.) What is one of your fondest childhood memories?

A.) My childhood was a great one, so I have several fond memories.

My dad was on the fair board, so I was able to go to the fair nearly every night they were in town. I liked riding The Scrambler and spent several dollars throwing darts at balloons to win those square decorated mirrors in the cardboard sleeves.

Christmas gatherings with family were always special. We would have Christmas Eve dinner and gift exchange with our grandparents and extended family. On Christmas morning we would see what Santa had left, then visit our great aunt and uncle where we would exchange more gifts and empty our homemade stockings that would have nuts, fruit and some candy.

Q.) What did you want to be as a kid? What did you actually become?

A.) As a child, I wanted to be a math teacher. By my college years, that was replaced by wanting to help people. I obtained a bachelor's degree in psychology from Bethel College and have held jobs in the mental health and social work fields.

Q.) Who was/is your biggest role model?

A.) I don't have one, I have many, and most of them are in my family. I have had great examples of how to care about people, how to be successful, how to be strong in hard circumstances, and how to walk in faith.

For me, a role model is anyone you model your own behavior after. I am a people watcher, so any person that I choose to emulate is a role model for me.

Q.) What are some of your favorite hobbies/ how do you like to spend your free time?

A.) I love genealogy and local history research, especially local businesses and Lewis County Schools. I have spent many hours following leads to make connections between people and events. I am so invested, the dining room in our house has become the History Room, and my husband built me a large bookshelf to hold the books and binders of information and photos I have acquired. I also really enjoy spending time with older generations and listening to them talk about their younger years.

Another love is watching my son play sports. I am the loud mom in the stands cheering. I am also the mom who buys new cowbells every year because I tear them up before the season is over.

I also spend time accepting donations of used clothes and textiles to bring in money for the HOBI (Hope of Blessing International) orphanage. Some of the clothes are sold in a group on Facebook, and the rest are sold to a company that pays by weight. Every dollar that comes in goes directly to HOBI. There is a lot of community support for this work, and the money raised so far has paid for a new well, solar panels, school supplies and better food for the children.

Q.) If you could go anywhere, in or out of the states, where would it be? Why?

A.) I would visit the HOBI orphanage in Liberia, Africa. I want to meet the adults who care for the children, and I want to spend individual time with each child.

I would also like to travel to Switzerland and Germany to see the specific areas where my ancestors lived. Of course, I would do genealogy research while there!

Q.) What is "your" song?

A.) I don't have a song. When I listen to music, I tend to select it based on my mood or what I am doing at the time. My favorite genre is 80's.

Q.) What is one of your favorite things about living in Hohenwald?

A.) The People! This town has some truly amazing people that live in it. If there is a need, people come together to help. I am grateful for the slow pace, the sense of community, the personal attention when conducting business, and the knowledge that I am part of a village. As a child, I said I would not live in Hohenwald as an adult. I moved away for a while, but now I love our "small town," and I don't want to live anywhere else.

Q.) What is your favorite time of year? Why?

A.) Summer. There isn't a time of year I don't like, but summer is my favorite. I like the long days, wearing flipflops, fresh garden vegetables and being at the water.

Q.) What do you enjoy most about your job?

A.) I have been in my current job less than a month, so am still learning it. I have felt very welcome and supported by other staff. As the Director of Social Services at AHC Natchez Trace, I do expect to enjoy getting to know the residents on a personal level and hopefully making their lives better.

Q.) Do you have a nick name?

A.) I have had a few over the years: Missy, Denanner, Mama D, Marvin, and am Doodah to four precious littles.

Q.) If you could spend one day as a TV character, who would it be?

A.) Violet Crawley, Dowager Countess of Grantham from Downton Abbey

Q.) Is there any life advice you could give to our readers?

A.) Be the person you want others to be to you, and be the change you want to see in the world.

Do what is right, even when no one is watching. "There is no limit to the good a man can do if he doesn't care who gets the credit."

Tell people how you feel about them. If you love them, tell them. If you are proud of them, tell them (right, Debbie?). People may not remember the clothes you wear or the words you say, but they will always remember how you made them feel.


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