Serving Hohenwald, Lewis County Tennessee Since 1898

One day at a time

Well it is a very cool and quiet morning here in our little valley. The cats have had their breakfast and are taking a nap. I am enjoying my coffee.

It will be Fall soon but these cool mornings already feel a little like Fall. Some of the trees are changing color but that is mostly from the dry and hot weather.

Our yard has not really needed mowing in the last few weeks. There is still not much rain in the forecast.

All the animals are probably looking for water, most of the creeks that normally have water in them are dry.

One morning I was out walking and saw twin baby deer and their momma here in our back yard. The cats were sitting on the back porch watching them.

Bob keeps fresh water out for the cats. The deer could get some of the cats’ water if they had to.

We have got a few more hot days to go and then may be it will start cooling down.

Me and Bobby were sitting out on the front porch a few nights ago and heard owls down the creek, they were calling to each other, and probably asking each other if they had seen any water.

Oh well it will rain sooner or later, and then before long we will have to start getting ready for Winter.

I do not know what kind of Winter we will have but one of the old sayings is that one extreme follows another, and since we have had a hot and dry Summer, then maybe we will have a cold and wet Winter, only God knows for sure.

We were out running errands this week and saw some cornfields and they looked like they were ready to be gathered. This year there does not seem to be as many cornfields as there usually are and all this years corn looks twisted and short. Also it seems like some of the soybeans fields are changing color, like they are getting lighter or turning pale.

We were in the grocery stores and some of the things have stayed the same price as they were the last time, but some things had went up 50 cents or more. I always make myself a list before going shopping and I watch the prices from one week to the next.

When I shop I always buy mostly just what I have to have, but if the price of something has went up a lot then I will try to buy it somewhere else or I will change my plans and just wait for the price to go back down. These days if we can save a little here and there, then it is worth it.

I am sure most people are like me and wondering what this next year will be like. I know a lot of things have changed over the last few years. We all seem to be living in a fast pace and all the days go by in such a hurry.

It is getting harder to get just normal things done anymore, if there is something that needs done then we need to stay at it until it is completed before it gets too late.

We all need to learn to pay more attention to all the things going on and get more involved and not always just hope that somebody else will always do the right thing.

I did most of my cooking yesterday, and I made a big pot of spaghetti, so today we are going to finish up our leftovers and we are also going to have a nice salad to go with them, that will be a quick and easy meal on these hot days.

It is beginning to warm up again and the wind is starting to blow, I am going to get busy and get some things done while I can and get it done before any bad weather gets here, and most of all I am going to enjoy this day.

I am not going to worry about tomorrow and I am going to take one day at a time because God still has it all under control and He is the light at the end of the tunnel.

God bless,

Evelyn “E.T.” Trevathan


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