Serving Hohenwald, Lewis County Tennessee Since 1898

One Day at a Time

Well it is a beautiful morning here in our little valley. We had a good rain and everything looks fresh and clean.

The colors on the trees are now more brighter oranges, yellows and reds, it sure is beginning to look more like Fall. I think we are all ready for Fall. Now that it has cooled up a little, even my coffee is tasting better.

The cats were up early this morning and waiting on their breakfast. The birds are singing and they are enjoying the fresh air.

There is a couple of squirrels in the yard, they seem to be looking for food. Every year the squirrels have carried apples and nuts and stored them up for the Winter. This year there was not a lot of food for them, but I know God will provide for them.

Animals are smarter than most people think they are, they know how to take care of themselves when they have the things that they need.

Fall will soon be here on the 22nd and a lot of people are getting ready for all the Fall festivals and hoping for cooler weather. When it cools up we will be able to get more things done outside.

Soon I am wanting to have a big yard sale, I will have to put an ad in the paper to let you all know when. I am just waiting for a little cooler weather. I have got a lot of things that I do not have room for anymore. I have not had a yard sale in a while and everything just accumulates.

We were out running our errands and saw a lot of trees already changing colors and we saw some people putting out Fall decorations. I think we are all tired of the hot, humid and dry weather.

We got a little rain the other day and then the next day we got a good rain and we have been getting a few little showers and sprinkles, but most of the creeks are still bone dry.

I think the farmers might be late with their Fall hay cutting this year, and they may not have much hay to cut. I do not know how they will be able to take care of their animals without enough hay.

There is now a good breeze blowing across the porch and there are a few dark clouds back to the west, maybe we will get another good shower of rain. I thought I just heard a little thunder.

Soon Bobby will have to get the flue pipes cleaned out on the old wood heating stove and clean the stove out also. In just a few more weeks we will be needing a little fire. I know it is still Summer but now that Labor day has come and gone it will soon be Fall, and soon we will have a lot cooler weather.

We still have a lot of work that needs to be done outside, we have got windows to wash and porches to scrub and some pressure washing to do. Those are things that you do not want to do in the heat of Summer or in the cold of Winter, Spring and Fall are better times to work outside.

After we get done with all the outside work it will be close to the holidays and then we will have to start decorating for Christmas. I love Christmas time, it is my favorite time of year.

The cats are enjoying this cooler weather, when it was so hot they just wanted to sleep during the heat of the day, now that it is cooler they can run and play.

Bob has got the breakfast dishes washed and the kitchen done and he is now enjoying the front porch and his coffee, we are going to enjoy this day.

Today for lunch we are going to have fried sweet potatoes, white beans and cornbread, and some homemade slaw.

I am not going to worry about tomorrow and I am going to take one day at a time because God still has it all under control and He is the light at the end of the tunnel.

God bless,

Evelyn “E.T.” Trevathan


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