Serving Hohenwald, Lewis County Tennessee Since 1898

Jo Knows

“Hey, Jo, “Are our water systems protected? What are some ways we can prepare for cyber attacks and EMP threats?”

As the threats to our critical infrastructure continue to grow, it’s important that we prepare to protect one of our most essential resources; our water supply.

Recent warnings have highlighted the risks posed by cyber attacks and electromagnetic pulses (EMPs), both of which could disrupt water systems and threaten public safety.

Let’s talk about some things we can do to safeguard our water systems from these potential dangers...

1. Strengthening Cyber security:

Our Water Department should regularly update their systems, install fire walls, and train employees to spot security risks. Monitoring networks and backing up essential data.

2. Preparing for EMPs:

To protect against the effects of an EMP, critical equipment should be shielded, surge protectors installed and backup power sources secured.

3. Developing Emergency Plans:

Having a clear plan in place is key. Water systems should outline how they’ll respond to outages or attacks, working with local authorities to ensure a coordinated effort.

4. Raising Public Awareness:

It’s not just water districts that need to prepare, citizens should also be informed. Communities should know about water safety protocols and have a personal supply of emergency water in case systems fail temporarily.

By taking these proactive steps, we can better protect our water systems and ensure that they continue to function when facing serious threats.

Until next time...Stay curious and keep smiling. - Jo


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