Serving Hohenwald, Lewis County Tennessee Since 1898

Senator Joey Hensley, MD

Series: Tennessee 28th District Update | Story 180

This year is the 23rd anniversary of the evil terror attacks of September 11, 2001. During this time of year, we are reminded of the 2,974 innocent victims who tragically lost their lives as a result of the acts of terror committed on that day.

We also remember and appreciate the heroes of that day: our first responders – some of whom lost their lives -- and others who still suffer great consequences in the aftermath of the terrorist attacks. They did their duty with great courage and selfless sacrifice and are deserving of this nation’s gratitude and recognition.

Everyday, in Tennessee and across the country, brave men and women who serve as our first responders put on their uniforms and report for duty with the knowledge that some day they may have to pay the ultimate price for the job that they do. September 11, 2001 stands as a stark example of this reality.

The visual of the first responders who raised the flag in the rubble of the World Trade Center is ingrained in the memory of all Americans who witnessed that day. In fact, the memory of 9-11 to our generation is similar to that of Pearl Harbor Day for our parent’s generation or the assignation of President Kennedy. We all remember where we were when we heard about the attacks. We remember the fear of what the future held in those days and weeks that followed. We mourned at the sight of those who lost their loved ones and looked for hope of life in the heap of rubble.

As we get further from that fateful day, more and more Americans either were not alive or do not remember that day. For those too young to remember September 11, 2001, it is important we continue to memorialize this day and convey the horror, fear, and strength of the American spirit and resolve which prevailed. It was an American spirit that is not too often unfamiliar to the youth of today.

We must remain steadfast in promoting American patriotism in our families, community, state and nation, so we can thwart future terror attacks and send a clear message to those who wish to harm our country: you cannot break the strength and resolve of America.

September 11th rang a warning bell. We faced the harsh reality that things we once took for granted could become a target for attacks. Those same terrorists who were behind 9/11 still target us today.

Their acts of cowardice continue to serve to remind us that we remain under attack from the same enemy. An enemy who chooses to hide behind innocent victims, including those of their own nationality and beliefs. The ongoing war between Israel and Gaza shows that radical terrorism is unfortunately still a deadly threat which seeks to attack the freedoms protected by western civilization. In Gaza, Palestinian Authority will go to great lengths to weaken their enemy by hiding behind innocent civilians, just like al-Qaeda, the Taliban, ISIS and other radical Islamic terrorist organizations.

That is why it is so important we continue our efforts to root out terrorism, promote American patriotism, and uphold the sacred values of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness enshrined in our constitution. To do this we must be diligent and remain One Nation Under God.

May we also remember - in reverence - our fellow Tennesseans and Americans in the armed services, who lost their lives and who paid the ultimate sacrifice since the 9-11 attacks. May we never forget their heroism to protect our nation.

The terror attacks on our nation at New York, Pennsylvania and Washington D.C. brought tragedy to this nation. It also brought resolve to each of the fifty states, including our own, to move forward with vigilance and strength to protect the nation we hold dear.

The 9-11 attack, as horrible as it was, brought out the best in Americans, and in Tennesseans. Every year at this time, we remember the victims, our first responders and the men and women who have served us in the military. May we continue the fight, and may we never forget.

You May Contact

Senator Hensley at

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