Serving Hohenwald, Lewis County Tennessee Since 1898


Series: Gordonsburg | Story 198

The last couple of weeks the area has gotten some much needed rain, with some thundershowers with wind and rain and during the fair rain a couple of nights and some events were cancelled on Thursday and Saturday nights. Some even got more than two inches with it varying from one area to another, but all was very welcome. The temperatures are still in the sixties and low seventies at night but up above eighty during the afternoon.

Those I know which are sick either at home, in nursing facilities or in the hospitals are: Kasey Baker, Colene Beasley, Linda Butler, Elizabeth Boggs, Gertie Carroll, Spencer Clark, Nita Cottrel, Robert and Pat Dickson, Polly Edwards, Paul Gandy, Ophelia Green, Betty Hasty, Melissa Hendeson, Barbara Hinson, Wayne Holloway, Leon Hunter, Monette King, Lillie Mitchell, Greg McCann, Jason McCann, Brittany Mash, Doug Miller, Howard Miller, Jackie McFall, Will Morris, Joy Orman, Judy O’Guin, Roger Pace, Debbie Pierce, Harry Runions, Marsha Runions, Russell Runions, Vera Runions, Johnnie Faye Skelton, Carolyn Staggs, Addie Steel, Terry Stutts, Randy Willis, Diane Williams, and Annette Williams. Prayers for these and others we may not know of but especially pray for those with cancer.

We wish a happy birthday to Kenneth Carroll and Lyra Franklin the 20th, Steven Johnston the 21st, John Barrier the 22nd, Bryson Troutman the 23rd, Caroling Mae Odom and Barbara Hinson the 24th, and Brook Duncan the 26th. Wishing for all these and anyone I missed a very happy birthday and many more to celebrate.

Happy anniversary to Mark and Abbey McDonald on the 22nd, and to Brad and Diana Holt on the 23rd, we wish for these couples many more years to celebrate life together.

Prayers for all those families who lost loved ones this past week. These are the ones I know about

Brenda Crews Byrd, Melody Sharee Risner Davis, Hazel Laverne Morris, Carolyn Evans Lee, Joshua Eugene Mulligan, Joyce Marie Malone, Mary Ann Himes Shackelford, Thelma Ann Johns, Timothy Sherman Ashley, Clarence Junior Busby, Angel Dawn Williams, Effie Magdeline Hassell, and Martha Marie Brown. Prayers for these families and any others about which I may not know.

I was honored to be invited to Mrs. Alice Tubbs home for a meal and fellowship on Saturday afternoon, the rain didn’t deter those who attended, and I know everyone had a great time and enjoyed the wonderful food that was served. There were several who helped with the meal, and I would not attempt to name them less I forget someone. The rain that fell even did not disturb those there for they knew we needed the rain.


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