Serving Hohenwald, Lewis County Tennessee Since 1898

One day at a time

Series: One day at a time | Story 154

Well it is cool morning here in our little valley. It almost feels like an early Fall morning, it was even a little too cool to sit out on the porch. I really like cool mornings like this.

The cats were here early this morning to eat their breakfast, now they have snuggled down and they are taking their cat naps.

I am so glad that we got some rain, when it was raining during the night I would wake up and hear the rain, it sounded so good. We sure have needed the rain, everything was really dry. I think this drought has been one of the longest ones we have had.

Bob is washing the breakfast dishes. I made a big pan of homemade biscuits and a big bowl of chocolate gravy this morning. That warm chocolate gray sure was good with those hot brown biscuits with a little butter on them.

We are getting closer to Fall, the days already seem to be getting shorter and soon we will have to set our clocks back an hour, and then soon it will be time for the holidays.

The weather has been cooler and we have been getting a lot of things done outside around here. We still have got a lot of cleaning to do before the weather turns bad and starts to get cold. Before you know it, it will be cold out and they will start forecasting sleet and snow flurries and we will have to have the old wood heating stove going.

We were looking at our stored Christmas decorations the other day, it will not be long until November 1st and that is when we start every year putting out our Christmas decorations. We will soon be getting out our trees, lights, snowmen and wreaths. Bobby says that I go overboard on my Christmas decorating, but he still helps me and I could not do it myself without some help.

We are planning on having a yard sale this weekend, look in this week’s Lewis County Herald for an ad to tell you where and what time. I hope some of you can come by and just say hi, I would like to meet everybody that has been reading my ramblings for a while.

The neighbor’s cows are grazing in their pasture, they graze even while it rains, I guess they are enjoying the rain too. The grass in the fields and also in our yard sure looks a lot greener now that we have had some rain. The hay fields also need some rain to be able to grow, but this year it has been so dry. Farmers normally cut hay just twice a year, maybe the farmers will now have a little hay to cut during their second cutting.

The hummingbirds are still at their feeders in our yard. I think we have had more hummingbirds this year, I guess it is because Bobby put their feeders out as soon as he saw the first hummingbird this Spring and he has kept their feeders full.

We have not had as many wasp building nest this year, and not as many bugs flying around in the yard. I guess it has been because it has been so dry, Bobby also thinks it is because he puts up different types of bird feeders and that attract lots of different types of birds and they also eat the bugs.

The other morning I again saw the momma deer and her two twin babies, they are getting big and do not have their spots anymore. I think those deer must live around here because I see them often, they must have found some water somewhere close by.

Bob has finished washing the breakfast dishes and he is going to sit down and enjoy his coffee. Soon I have to get this day started, I have got a busy day planned ahead. There is a lot of things that needs to be done and they are not going to get done by themselves. Ya’ll look for my ad and I hope to see you.

I am not going to worry about tomorrow and I am going to take one day at a time because God still has it all under control and He is the light at the end of the tunnel.

God bless,

Evelyn “E.T.” Trevathan


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