Serving Hohenwald, Lewis County Tennessee Since 1898

Focus on Vibrant health

Emotional health is a critical part of your health and happiness. Emotional and physical health are inseparable. There are 5 perspectives that can help. As already discussed, the first is to recognize and address stress in your life. The second perspective is your attitude; choose to focus on the positive. The third perspective is to value your social connections, and have at least a few good friends you can count on. Today is about purpose.


Numerous studies show that people with a clear sense of purpose are more likely to grow old in a healthy way. Having a purpose contributes to a sense of control and a belief that your life is worthwhile. Your purpose can be to invent something unique or solve some a particular problem, or perhaps it is to be as happy as possible and enjoy time with close connections. There is no right answer; it is your own uniqueness that the world is counting on you to contribute. Don’t wait until you end up in a crisis to live in alignment with your values and what is in your heart.

How can you find your life purpose if it is not yet clear? Cultivate a love of learning, try new things, and keep an open mind. Continue to grow and become a better version of yourself. Know that your purpose is not necessarily in your job. Only about 30% of people feel engaged at work. Beware, as money, position, and recognition can be disrupted by unexpected change, loss, or disappointment. We live in a material world, but “meaning” and “purpose” are not equivalent with what you acquire.

Once you have an idea of what is meaningful for you, it may takes courage to choose to do live it. Courage is deciding to act, in spite of being afraid. Know that every day you do not take action to live your life purpose, someone is missing the unique contribution you have to offer. And your health will suffer.

Dr. Veronica Tilden is a doctor of osteopathy. She helps people regain vibrant health, using traditional hands-on osteopathy and lifestyle counseling. The Hohenwald office is currently closed, but phone health consultations are available.


Veronica Tilden, D.O.


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